[書籍][B] Kernelization: theory of parameterized preprocessing
Preprocessing, or data reduction, is a standard technique for simplifying and speeding up
computation. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book introduces a rapidly …
computation. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book introduces a rapidly …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of parameterized algorithms and the complexity of edge modification
The survey is a comprehensive overview of the develo** area of parameterized
algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization …
algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization …
[PDF][PDF] Recent developments in kernelization: A survey
S Kratsch - Bulletin of EATCS, 2014 - smtp.eatcs.org
Kernelization is a formalization of efficient preprocessing, aimed mainly at combinatorially
hard problems. Empirically, preprocessing is highly successful in practice, eg, in state-of-the …
hard problems. Empirically, preprocessing is highly successful in practice, eg, in state-of-the …
Deciding first-order properties of nowhere dense graphs
Nowhere dense graph classes, introduced by Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez [2010, 2011],
form a large variety of classes of “sparse graphs” including the class of planar graphs …
form a large variety of classes of “sparse graphs” including the class of planar graphs …
Kernelization lower bounds by cross-composition
We introduce the framework of cross-composition for proving kernelization lower bounds. A
classical problem L\and/or-cross-composes into a parameterized problem Q if it is possible …
classical problem L\and/or-cross-composes into a parameterized problem Q if it is possible …
Algorithmic meta-theorems for restrictions of treewidth
M Lampis - Algorithmica, 2012 - Springer
Possibly the most famous algorithmic meta-theorem is Courcelle's theorem, which states that
all MSO-expressible graph properties are decidable in linear time for graphs of bounded …
all MSO-expressible graph properties are decidable in linear time for graphs of bounded …
Planar F-deletion: Approximation, kernelization and optimal FPT algorithms
Let F be a finite set of graphs. In the F-DELETION problem, we are given an n-vertex graph
G and an integer k as input, and asked whether at most k vertices can be deleted from G …
G and an integer k as input, and asked whether at most k vertices can be deleted from G …
Bidimensionality and kernels
Bidimensionality theory appears to be a powerful framework in the development of meta-
algorithmic techniques. It was introduced by Demaine et al.[J. ACM 2005] as a tool to obtain …
algorithmic techniques. It was introduced by Demaine et al.[J. ACM 2005] as a tool to obtain …
[HTML][HTML] Towards fully multivariate algorithmics: Parameter ecology and the deconstruction of computational complexity
The aim of this article is to motivate and describe the parameter ecology program, which
studies how different parameters contribute to the difficulty of classical problems. We call for …
studies how different parameters contribute to the difficulty of classical problems. We call for …
Representative sets and irrelevant vertices: New tools for kernelization
The existence of a polynomial kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal was a notorious open
problem in parameterized complexity. Recently, this was settled by the present authors …
problem in parameterized complexity. Recently, this was settled by the present authors …