T-CREST: Time-predictable multi-core architecture for embedded systems
Real-time systems need time-predictable platforms to allow static analysis of the worst-case
execution time (WCET). Standard multi-core processors are optimized for the average case …
execution time (WCET). Standard multi-core processors are optimized for the average case …
Patmos: A time-predictable microprocessor
Current processors provide high average-case performance, as they are optimized for
general purpose computing. However, those optimizations often lead to a high worst-case …
general purpose computing. However, those optimizations often lead to a high worst-case …
Towards a time-predictable dual-issue microprocessor: The Patmos approach
Current processors are optimized for average case performance, often leading to a high
worst-case execution time (WCET). Many architectural features that increase the average …
worst-case execution time (WCET). Many architectural features that increase the average …
Is time predictability quantifiable?
M Schoeberl - 2012 International Conference on Embedded …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computer architects and researchers in the real-time domain start to investigate processors
and architectures optimized for real-time systems. Optimized for real-time systems means …
and architectures optimized for real-time systems. Optimized for real-time systems means …
Worst‐case execution time analysis‐driven object cache design
Hard real‐time systems need a time‐predictable computing platform to enable static worst‐
case execution time (WCET) analysis. All performance‐enhancing features need to be …
case execution time (WCET) analysis. All performance‐enhancing features need to be …
A time-predictable object cache
M Schoeberl - 2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Static cache analysis for data allocated on the heap is practically impossible for standard
data caches. We propose a distinct object cache for heap allocated data. The cache is highly …
data caches. We propose a distinct object cache for heap allocated data. The cache is highly …
T-CREST: A time-predictable multi-core platform for aerospace applications
Abstract Space systems are hard real-time systems, where the worst-case execution time
(WCET) of tasks needs to be known to prove absence of deadline misses. For simple …
(WCET) of tasks needs to be known to prove absence of deadline misses. For simple …
Time-predictable chip-multiprocessor design
M Schoeberl - 2010 Conference Record of the Forty Fourth …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Real-time systems need time-predictable platforms to enable static worst-case execution
time (WCET) analysis. Improving the processor performance with superscalar techniques …
time (WCET) analysis. Improving the processor performance with superscalar techniques …
Minimising communication costs impact when scheduling real-time applications on multi-core architectures
B Rouxel - 2018 - inria.hal.science
Multi-core architectures using scratch pad memories are very attractive to execute
embedded time-critical applications, because they offer a large computational power …
embedded time-critical applications, because they offer a large computational power …
Design space exploration of object caches with cross-profiling
To avoid data cache trashing between heap-allocated data and other data areas, a distinct
object cache has been proposed for embedded real-time Java processors. This object …
object cache has been proposed for embedded real-time Java processors. This object …