On-the-fly decision making within organizations: A systematic literature review and future research directions

S Mariano, B Laker - Journal of Business Research, 2024 - Elsevier
This study systematically reviews the literature on individual on-the-fly decision making
within organizations and introduces an organizational framework to guide future research …

Enhancing organizational citizenship behavior in a non-western context of the UAE: the role of organizational justice, leadership and psychological empowerment

A AlHammadi, HM Abu Elanain - Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to examine the direct relationship of
organizational justice (OJ), psychological empowerment (PE), Leader Member Exchange …

Does personality affect the individual's perceptions of organizational justice? The mediating role of organizational politics

A Aggarwal, K Nobi, A Mittal, S Rastogi - … : An International Journal, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The personality of an individual plays a vital role in the way an individual perceives
organizational politics and justice in the workplace. However, there is meager research on …

Employees trust, perceived justice, on task performance: Mediating and moderating role of autonomy and organizational culture

HM Alriyami, K Alneyadi, H Alnuaimi… - International journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study explores the impact of trust and perceived justice on task performance within UAE
public sector organizations, emphasizing the mediating role of autonomy and the …

Knowledge management strategies and organizational improvisation: what changed after the emergence of technological turbulence caused by artificial intelligence?

J Arias-Pérez, J Cepeda-Cardona - Baltic Journal of Management, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to analyze the moderating effect of technological turbulence
caused by artificial intelligence on the relationship between the traditional knowledge …

How does humble leadership stimulate employees' service improvisation in hospitality? A social information processing perspective

IA Elhadidy, Y Gao - Kybernetes, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Drawing on social information processing theory (SIP), this paper examines
whether and how humble leadership affects employees' service improvisation (ESI) in the …

Effects of enterprise social media use on employee improvisation ability through psychological conditions: the moderating role of enterprise social media policy

M Zhu, Y Sun, JZ Zhang, J Fu, B Yang - Decision Support Systems, 2024 - Elsevier
The emergence of enterprise social media (ESM) allows enterprises to develop employee
improvisation ability for effective decision-making in various emergencies. However, it …

Determinan perilaku proaktif pegawai ditinjau dari persepsi dukungan organisasi, keadilan distributif serta keadilan prosedural

I Agustina, D Harijanto - Jurnal Manajemen Dan Profesional, 2022 - jurnal.stie.asia.ac.id
Pegawai negeri sipil dihadapkan pada bentuk evaluasi berkala yang menuntut akuntabilitas
dalam pekerjaan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku proaktif dari …

Personality traits, organizational cynicism and employee performance among academic leaders

BA Soomro, UN Saraih… - International Journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study examines the effect of personality traits on organizational cynicism (OC).
It explores, also, OC's predictive power on Employee Performance (EP) in Pakistan …

Staying connected beyond the clock: a talent management perspective of after-hours work connectivity and proactive behaviours in the digital age

F Chu, J Zhang, MM Pellegrini, C Wang… - Management Decision, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Working arrangements' hybridity has become paramount, particularly after the
coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. A remote working environment has indubitable …