Overview of fire prevention technologies by cause of fire: selection of causes based on fire statistics in the Republic of Korea
Every year, diverse types of safety accidents cause major damage to human life and
property. In particular, failure to suppress safety accidents caused by fires during the early …
property. In particular, failure to suppress safety accidents caused by fires during the early …
Sensors in assisted living: A survey of signal and image processing methods
Our society will face a notable demographic shift in the near future. According to a United
Nations report, the ratio of the elderly population (aged 60 years or older) to the overall …
Nations report, the ratio of the elderly population (aged 60 years or older) to the overall …
Development of an early fire detection technique using a passive infrared sensor and deep neural networks
Early detection of fire is key to mitigate fire related damages. This paper presents a
differential pyro-electric infrared (PIR) sensor and deep neural networks (DNNs) based …
differential pyro-electric infrared (PIR) sensor and deep neural networks (DNNs) based …
Occupancy detection and localization by monitoring nonlinear energy flow of a shuttered passive infrared sensor
Passive infrared (PIR) sensors are the current choice for individual presence detection in
buildings. A major problem is that PIR sensors only detect moving individuals, which often …
buildings. A major problem is that PIR sensors only detect moving individuals, which often …
Human activity recognition with device-free sensors for well-being assessment in smart homes
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has attracted much attention in the last two decades with
applications such as remote health monitoring, security and surveillance, and smart …
applications such as remote health monitoring, security and surveillance, and smart …
Hand gesture based remote control system using infrared sensors and a camera
In this paper, a multimodal hand gesture detection and recognition system using differential
Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors and a regular camera is described. Any movement within …
Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors and a regular camera is described. Any movement within …
Image processing for the characterization of flame stability in a non-premixed liquid fuel burner near lean blowout
In the present work, an experimental investigation was performed by varying the fuel/air ratio
of a liquid-fuel gas turbine derived burner in the non-premixed mode, until an ultra-lean …
of a liquid-fuel gas turbine derived burner in the non-premixed mode, until an ultra-lean …
Robust fusion algorithm based on RBF neural network with TS fuzzy model and its application to infrared flame detection problem
Z Wen, L **e, H Feng, Y Tan - Applied Soft Computing, 2019 - Elsevier
A robust fusion algorithm based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network with Takagi–
Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model is proposed in view of the data loss, data distortion or signal …
Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model is proposed in view of the data loss, data distortion or signal …
Real-time epileptic seizure detection during sleep using passive infrared sensors
This paper addresses the problem of detecting epileptic seizures experienced by a human
subject during sleep. Commonly used solutions to this problem mostly rely on detecting …
subject during sleep. Commonly used solutions to this problem mostly rely on detecting …
A robust system for counting people using an infrared sensor and a camera
In this paper, a multi-modal solution to the people counting problem in a given area is
described. The multi-modal system consists of a differential pyro-electric infrared (PIR) …
described. The multi-modal system consists of a differential pyro-electric infrared (PIR) …