How complex is your classification problem? a survey on measuring classification complexity
Characteristics extracted from the training datasets of classification problems have proven to
be effective predictors in a number of meta-analyses. Among them, measures of …
be effective predictors in a number of meta-analyses. Among them, measures of …
A literature survey and empirical study of meta-learning for classifier selection
Classification is the key and most widely studied paradigm in machine learning community.
The selection of appropriate classification algorithm for a particular problem is a challenging …
The selection of appropriate classification algorithm for a particular problem is a challenging …
[PDF][PDF] Meta-learning
J Vanschoren - Automated machine learning: methods, systems …, 2019 -
Meta-learning, or learning to learn, is the science of systematically observing how different
machine learning approaches perform on a wide range of learning tasks, and then learning …
machine learning approaches perform on a wide range of learning tasks, and then learning …
Better than classical? the subtle art of benchmarking quantum machine learning models
Benchmarking models via classical simulations is one of the main ways to judge ideas in
quantum machine learning before noise-free hardware is available. However, the huge …
quantum machine learning before noise-free hardware is available. However, the huge …
A meta-learning recommender system for hyperparameter tuning: Predicting when tuning improves SVM classifiers
For many machine learning algorithms, predictive performance is critically affected by the
hyperparameter values used to train them. However, tuning these hyperparameters can …
hyperparameter values used to train them. However, tuning these hyperparameters can …
A context-based meta-reinforcement learning approach to efficient hyperparameter optimization
X Liu, J Wu, S Chen - Neurocomputing, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present a context-based meta-reinforcement learning approach to tackle
the challenging data-inefficiency problem of Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) …
the challenging data-inefficiency problem of Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) …
Autonoml: Towards an integrated framework for autonomous machine learning
Over the last decade, the long-running endeavour to automate high-level processes in
machine learning (ML) has risen to mainstream prominence, stimulated by advances in …
machine learning (ML) has risen to mainstream prominence, stimulated by advances in …
problexity—An open-source Python library for supervised learning problem complexity assessment
The problem's complexity assessment is an essential element of many topics in the
supervised learning domain. It plays a significant role in meta-learning–becoming the basis …
supervised learning domain. It plays a significant role in meta-learning–becoming the basis …
MetaInjury: Meta-learning framework for reusing the risk knowledge of different construction accidents
In recent years, many scholars have used data mining algorithms to discover the laws
related to the prevention of occupational injuries in the construction industry. Using accident …
related to the prevention of occupational injuries in the construction industry. Using accident …
Resampling strategies for imbalanced regression: a survey and empirical analysis
Imbalanced problems can arise in different real-world situations, and to address this, certain
strategies in the form of resampling or balancing algorithms are proposed. This issue has …
strategies in the form of resampling or balancing algorithms are proposed. This issue has …