[ספר][B] Adverbial clauses, main clause phenomena, and composition of the left periphery: The cartography of syntactic structures, volume 8

L Haegeman - 2012‏ - books.google.com
Page 1 Adverbial Clauses, Main Clause Phenomena, and the Composition of the Left
Periphery | The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 8 | Liliane Haegeman OXFORD …

Aspects of the low IP area

A Belletti - The structure of CP and IP. The cartography of …, 2004‏ - books.google.com
I his chapter reconsiders and develops a proposal presented in Belletti (2001). The
discussion that follows leaves the core insight of the original proposal essentially …

Types of topics in German and Italian

M Frascarelli, R Hinterhölzl - On information structure, meaning and …, 2008‏ - degruyter.com
Mara Frascarelli and Roland Hinterhölzl is paper investigates the phonological and syntactic
realization of topics in German and Italian. Based on a detailed intonational and syntactic …

Topic, focus, and V2

P Benincà, C Poletto - The structure of CP and IP, 2004‏ - books.google.com
In this chapter we intend to contribute to the cartography of the CP layer and give a more
detailed analysis of the portion of the CP structure that encodes distinctions between theme …

[ספר][B] Parameters and universals

RS Kayne - 2000‏ - books.google.com
Annotation This is a collection of previously published essays on comparative syntax by the
distinguished linguist Richard Kayne. The papers cover issues of comparative syntax as …

[ספר][B] Movement and silence

RS Kayne - 2005‏ - academia.edu
This collection of recent essays (arranged in order of composition) has running strongly
through it both comparative syntax, which uses differences between languages as a new …

[ספר][B] Discourse-related features and functional projections

S Cruschina - 2012‏ - books.google.com
In this volume Silvio Cruschina uses a comparative analysis to determine the syntax of the
functional projections associated with discourse-related features, and to account for the …

Subjects, topics and the interpretation of referential pro An interface approach to the linking of (null) pronouns

M Frascarelli - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2007‏ - Springer
In this paper a novel approach to (a subpart of) the null subject parameter is proposed, in
which the interpretation of a thematic pro in subject position is crucially dependent on the …

Pronouns and their antecedents

RS Kayne - Derivation and explanation in the minimalist …, 2002‏ - Wiley Online Library
The similarity between binding and movement played a role in discussions of trace theory in
the early/mid-1970s, with an attempt then to think of movement (antecedent–trace relations) …

[ספר][B] The syntax-phonology interface in focus and topic constructions in Italian

M Frascarelli - 2000‏ - books.google.com
" Though centered on Italian, cross-linguistic analysis is extensively provided: data from
languages as diverse as English, Hungarian, Modern Greek, Hausa, Chichewa, Serbo …