Self-compassion: Theory, method, research, and intervention

KD Neff - Annual review of psychology, 2023 -
Self-compassion refers to being supportive toward oneself when experiencing suffering or
pain—be it caused by personal mistakes and inadequacies or external life challenges. This …

Trends and developments in mindfulness research over 55 years: A bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in web of science

A Baminiwatta, I Solangaarachchi - Mindfulness, 2021 - Springer
Objectives This study aimed to identify historical developments, active research areas, and
emerging trends within scientific literature on mindfulness published so far, using …

Revisiting research on positive psychology in second and foreign language education: Trends and directions

A Derakhshan - Language Related Research, 2022 -
With the rise of positive psychology (PP) and its emphasis on the affordances of positive
emotions to second/foreign language teaching and learning, numerous studies have been …

[HTML][HTML] Mindfulness and behavior change

Z Schuman-Olivier, M Trombka, DA Lovas… - Harvard review of …, 2020 -
Initiating and maintaining behavior change is key to the prevention and treatment of most
preventable chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses. The cultivation of mindfulness …

The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the psychological functioning of healthcare professionals: A systematic review

SA Kriakous, KA Elliott, C Lamers, R Owen - Mindfulness, 2021 - Springer
Objectives Burnout and occupational stress are frequently experienced by healthcare
professionals (HCPs). Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) has been found to …

[PDF][PDF] Metacognitive and metaemotional training strategies through the nine-layer pyramid model of emotional intelligence

A Drigas, C Papoutsi, C Skianis - International Journal of Recent …, 2021 -
Emotional intelligence constitutes an important 21st century skill that impacts positively
several areas of everyday life. It contains competencies that enhance the ability of other …

Mindfulness and the challenges of working from home in times of crisis

M Toniolo-Barrios, L Pitt - Business horizons, 2021 - Elsevier
Many employees unexpectedly were required to work from home during the COVID-19
pandemic of 2020. With this abrupt change came the challenge of blurred lines between …

The relationship between trait mindfulness and affective symptoms: A meta-analysis of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)

JK Carpenter, K Conroy, AF Gomez, LC Curren… - Clinical psychology …, 2019 - Elsevier
Trait mindfulness appears to be related to lower levels of negative affective symptoms, but it
remains uncertain which facets of mindfulness are most important in this relationship …

[HTML][HTML] Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on employees' mental health: A systematic review

M Janssen, Y Heerkens, W Kuijer, B Van Der Heijden… - PloS one, 2018 -
Objectives The purpose of this exploratory study was to obtain greater insight into the effects
of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy …

The effect of mindfulness-based programs on cognitive function in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

T Whitfield, T Barnhofer, R Acabchuk, A Cohen… - Neuropsychology …, 2022 - Springer
Mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) are increasingly utilized to improve mental health.
Interest in the putative effects of MBPs on cognitive function is also growing. This is the first …