Ecological change, range fluctuations and population dynamics during the Pleistocene
Apart from the current human-induced climate change, the Holocene is notable for its stable
climate. In contrast, the preceding age, the Pleistocene, was a time of intensive climatic …
climate. In contrast, the preceding age, the Pleistocene, was a time of intensive climatic …
Mammalian response to Cenozoic climatic change
JL Blois, EA Hadly - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 2009 -
Multiple episodes of rapid and gradual climatic changes influenced the evolution and
ecology of mammalian species and communities throughout the Cenozoic. Climatic change …
ecology of mammalian species and communities throughout the Cenozoic. Climatic change …
Patterns of East Asian pig domestication, migration, and turnover revealed by modern and ancient DNA
The establishment of agricultural economies based upon domestic animals began
independently in many parts of the world and led to both increases in human population size …
independently in many parts of the world and led to both increases in human population size …
Range-wide whole-genome resequencing of the brown bear reveals drivers of intraspecies divergence
Population-genomic studies can shed new light on the effect of past demographic processes
on contemporary population structure. We reassessed phylogeographical patterns of a …
on contemporary population structure. We reassessed phylogeographical patterns of a …
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
About 100 km east of Rome, in the central Apennine Mountains, a critically endangered
population of∼ 50 brown bears live in complete isolation. Mating outside this population is …
population of∼ 50 brown bears live in complete isolation. Mating outside this population is …
How robust are “isolation with migration” analyses to violations of the IM model? A simulation study
Methods developed over the past decade have made it possible to estimate molecular
demographic parameters such as effective population size, divergence time, and gene flow …
demographic parameters such as effective population size, divergence time, and gene flow …
Late-Quaternary biogeographic scenarios for the brown bear (Ursus arctos), a wild mammal model species
This review provides an up-to-date synthesis of the matrilineal phylogeography of a uniquely
well-studied Holarctic mammal, the brown bear. We extend current knowledge by presenting …
well-studied Holarctic mammal, the brown bear. We extend current knowledge by presenting …
Fossil evidence and phylogeography of temperate species:'glacial refugia'and post‐glacial recolonization
We present a short synthesis of the Pleistocene distribution dynamics and phylogeographic
recolonization hypotheses for two temperate European mammal species, the red deer …
recolonization hypotheses for two temperate European mammal species, the red deer …
Pleistocene bears in the Swabian Jura (Germany): Genetic replacement, ecological displacement, extinctions and survival
Palaeogenetic investigations in three geographically close caves (Hohle Fels,
Geißenklösterle, and Sirgenstein) in the Ach Valley near Blaubeuren (Swabian Jura) …
Geißenklösterle, and Sirgenstein) in the Ach Valley near Blaubeuren (Swabian Jura) …
Relict or colonizer? Extinction and range expansion of penguins in southern New Zealand
Recent human expansion into the Pacific initiated a dramatic avian extinction crisis, and
surviving taxa are typically interpreted as declining remnants of previously abundant …
surviving taxa are typically interpreted as declining remnants of previously abundant …