A review of Semigenetta (Viverridae, Carnivora) from the Miocene of Eurasia based on material from the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede (Germany)
The present article offers a detailed review of the taxonomy, distribution and palaeoecology
of the genus Semigenetta. The study is based on new craniodental and postcranial remains …
of the genus Semigenetta. The study is based on new craniodental and postcranial remains …
The exceptionally high diversity of small carnivorans from the Late Miocene hominid locality of Hammerschmiede (Bavaria, Germany)
The present study deals with new material of carnivorans (Mustelidae, Mephitidae, Ailuridae,
Potamotheriinae and Viverridae) from the basal Tortonian (Late Miocene, late Astaracian) …
Potamotheriinae and Viverridae) from the basal Tortonian (Late Miocene, late Astaracian) …
First record of fungal diversity in the tropical and warm-temperate Middle Miocene Climate Optimum forests of Eurasia
The middle Miocene Climate Optimum (MMCO) was the warmest interval of the last 23
million years and is one of the best analogs for proposed future climate change scenarios …
million years and is one of the best analogs for proposed future climate change scenarios …
New early late Miocene species of Vishnuonyx (Carnivora, Lutrinae) from the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede, Bavaria, Germany
This study presents a new species of a large-sized lutrine from the upper Miocene hominid
locality of Hammerschmiede, Vishnuonyx neptuni sp. nov., reporting the first occurrence of …
locality of Hammerschmiede, Vishnuonyx neptuni sp. nov., reporting the first occurrence of …
New Carnivoran (Mammalia: Carnivora) specimens from the Siwaliks of Pakistan and India and their faunal and evolutionary implications
Recently collected carnivoran specimens from the Siwalik Group of Pakistan are described
and discussed. These specimens add to our knowledge of the previously known taxa while …
and discussed. These specimens add to our knowledge of the previously known taxa while …
New insights on the enigmatic otters from the Late Miocene of Tuscany: Tyrrhenolutra maremmana nov. comb.(Lutrinae, Mustelidae, Carnivora), with a phylogeny of …
Otters, subfamily Lutrinae (Mustelidae), are predators that thrive in aquatic environments,
and have a semiaquatic to fully aquatic lifestyle. While modern otters are found across the …
and have a semiaquatic to fully aquatic lifestyle. While modern otters are found across the …
[PDF][PDF] Taxonomic revision of the genus Leptoplesictis (Viverridae, Mammalia) with description of new fossils from Grillental VI (Namibia) and Moratilla 2 (Spain)
The early Miocene locality of Grillental VI (21-19 Ma) has yielded an interesting assemblage
of fossil carnivores, including a new mandible of the small viverrid classified as …
of fossil carnivores, including a new mandible of the small viverrid classified as …
The carnivorans (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede (Bavaria, Germany)
N Kargopoulos - 2022 - tobias-lib.ub.uni-tuebingen.de
The present Thesis is focused on the study of the carnivorans that have been discovered in
the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede. The age of the locality is at the base of Late …
the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede. The age of the locality is at the base of Late …
A coherent biogeographical framework for Old World Neogene and Pleistocene mammals
In order to understand mammalian evolution and compute a wide range of biodiversity
indices, we commonly use the 'bioregion', a spatial division adapted to ecological and …
indices, we commonly use the 'bioregion', a spatial division adapted to ecological and …
The carnivoran record from the Neogene of eastern Romania
N Kargopoulos, A Valenciano Vaquero, P Kampouridis… - 2024 - docta.ucm.es
The present work deals with the carnivorans found in five Neogene localities in eastern
Romania: the Vallesian locality of Păun, the Turolian localities of Pogana 1 and Creţeşti 1 …
Romania: the Vallesian locality of Păun, the Turolian localities of Pogana 1 and Creţeşti 1 …