Country-specific determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A comprehensive review and future research directions
E **e, KS Reddy, J Liang - Journal of World Business, 2017 - Elsevier
This article, to date, is the first to consolidate, review, and integrate over 250 earlier studies
that examine the country-specific determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions …
that examine the country-specific determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions …
Language in international business: A review and agenda for future research
A fast growing number of studies demonstrates that language diversity influences almost all
management decisions in modern multinational corporations. Whereas no doubt remains …
management decisions in modern multinational corporations. Whereas no doubt remains …
Information asymmetry in management research: Past accomplishments and future opportunities
Information asymmetry is a condition wherein one party in a relationship has more or better
information than another. The information asymmetry concept is widely diffused throughout …
information than another. The information asymmetry concept is widely diffused throughout …
Transaction cost theory: Past progress, current challenges, and suggestions for the future
Transaction cost theory (TCT) has been fruitfully applied to a wide range of organizational
phenomena, as reflected in a vast and evolving body of research. However, in part due to …
phenomena, as reflected in a vast and evolving body of research. However, in part due to …
The pre-deal phase of mergers and acquisitions: A review and research agenda
Despite the long-standing research interest in the pre-deal phase of mergers and
acquisitions, many important questions remain unanswered. We review and synthesize the …
acquisitions, many important questions remain unanswered. We review and synthesize the …
CEO international experience: Effects on strategic change and firm performance
S Le, M Kroll - Journal of International Business Studies, 2017 - Springer
Despite the growing importance of CEOs' international experience (IE), we have yet to gain
sufficient insights into its conceptualization and effect on firm outcomes. Based on prior …
sufficient insights into its conceptualization and effect on firm outcomes. Based on prior …
The gravity of culture for finance
GA Karolyi - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2016 - Elsevier
Scholarship in finance has paid relatively little attention to the role of culture in financial
decision-making compared to other business disciplines and economics. This paper will …
decision-making compared to other business disciplines and economics. This paper will …
[PDF][PDF] Introduction
The Nordic countries top the rankings of all global indexes on gender equality. Their global
reputation is underlined by the United Nations' description of Norway as a 'haven of gender …
reputation is underlined by the United Nations' description of Norway as a 'haven of gender …
When the target may know better: Effects of experience and information asymmetries on value from mergers and acquisitions
Research summary: Extending research on the effect of experience on acquisition
outcomes, we examine how the differential in previous M&A experience between the target …
outcomes, we examine how the differential in previous M&A experience between the target …
Let's talk about language: A review of language‐sensitive research in international management
This paper explores the assumptions underlying the core concept of language used in the
growing field of language‐sensitive research in international management. We reviewed 92 …
growing field of language‐sensitive research in international management. We reviewed 92 …