Unravelling the complexity of Apenninic extensional fault systems: A review of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (Central Apennines, Italy)
L Chiaraluce - Journal of Structural Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
The 2009 L'Aquila sequence activated a normal fault system 50 km long in the Central
Apennines, composed of two main NW-trending faults 12–16 km long: the main high angle …
Apennines, composed of two main NW-trending faults 12–16 km long: the main high angle …
A review on the driving mechanism of the Tyrrhenian–Apennines system: Implications for the present seismotectonic setting in the Central-Northern Apennines
E Mantovani, D Babbucci, C Tamburelli, M Viti - Tectonophysics, 2009 - Elsevier
The formation of the Tyrrhenian–Apennines system has been characterized by a complex
distribution of major tectonic events, such as opening of basins, migration and distortion of …
distribution of major tectonic events, such as opening of basins, migration and distortion of …
The anatomy of the 2009 L'Aquila normal fault system (central Italy) imaged by high resolution foreshock and aftershock locations
On 6 April (01: 32 UTC) 2009 a MW 6.1 normal faulting earthquake struck the axial area of
the Abruzzo region in central Italy. We study the geometry of fault segments using high …
the Abruzzo region in central Italy. We study the geometry of fault segments using high …
Pre-existing cross-structures and active fault segmentation in the northern-central Apennines (Italy)
The multideformed axial zone of the Apennines provides a great opportunity to explore the
influence of pre-existing cross-structures (inherited from pre-Quaternary tectonic phases) on …
influence of pre-existing cross-structures (inherited from pre-Quaternary tectonic phases) on …
A thermal pressurization model for the spontaneous dynamic rupture propagation on a three‐dimensional fault: 1. Methodological approach
A Bizzarri, M Cocco - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We investigate the role of frictional heating and thermal pressurization on earthquake
ruptures by modeling the spontaneous propagation of a three‐dimensional (3‐D) crack on a …
ruptures by modeling the spontaneous propagation of a three‐dimensional (3‐D) crack on a …
Principal slip zones in limestone: microstructural characterization and implications for the seismic cycle (Tre Monti Fault, Central Apennines, Italy)
Earthquakes in central Italy, and in other areas worldwide, often nucleate within and rupture
through carbonates in the upper crust. During individual earthquake ruptures, most fault …
through carbonates in the upper crust. During individual earthquake ruptures, most fault …
Coseismic fluid–rock interactions at high temperatures in the Chelungpu fault
T Ishikawa, M Tanimizu, K Nagaishi, J Matsuoka… - Nature …, 2008 - nature.com
Aqueous fluids are thought to have an essential role in faulting and the dynamic propagation
of earthquake rupture. Fluid overpressure can affect earthquake nucleation, and in a …
of earthquake rupture. Fluid overpressure can affect earthquake nucleation, and in a …
Modeling seismicity rate changes during the 1997 Umbria‐Marche sequence (central Italy) through a rate‐and state‐dependent model
F Catalli, M Cocco, R Console… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
We model the spatial and temporal pattern of seismicity during a sequence of moderate‐
magnitude normal faulting earthquakes, which struck in 1997 the Umbria‐Marche sector of …
magnitude normal faulting earthquakes, which struck in 1997 the Umbria‐Marche sector of …
Coexistence of low-angle normal and high-angle strike-to oblique-slip faults during Late Miocene mineralization in eastern Elba Island (Italy)
In this paper we deal with the kinematic and chronological relationships among low angle
normal faults and high angle strike-to oblique-slip faults in an exhumed mineralized area …
normal faults and high angle strike-to oblique-slip faults in an exhumed mineralized area …
A review of undulated sediment features on Mediterranean prodeltas: distinguishing sediment transport structures from sediment deformation
Most Mediterranean prodeltas show undulated sediment features on the foresets of their
Holocene wedges. These features have been described all along the Mediterranean for the …
Holocene wedges. These features have been described all along the Mediterranean for the …