Critical review—the versatile plane parallel electrode geometry: an illustrated review

LF Arenas, CP De León, FC Walsh - Journal of The …, 2020 -
The features of the plane parallel geometry are reviewed since this cell geometry occupies a
prominent position, both in the laboratory and in industry. The simple parallel plate can be …

Design, validation, and fabrication of a tailored electrochemical reactor using 3D printing for studies of commercial boron-doped diamond electrodes

L Vernasqui, MA Montiel… - Industrial & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes are the most effective and resistant electrodic
materials to perform advanced oxidation processes. Having a reactor that can provide …

Current and potential distribution in two-phase (gas evolving) electrochemical reactors by the finite volume method

AN Colli, JM Bisang - Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 -
A solver was developed and implemented in the OpenFOAM framework in order to predict
the current distribution in gas evolving electrochemical reactors. The solver takes into …

Electrochemical generation of chlorine dioxide for use in environmental remediation

LM da Silva, IF Mena, MA Montiel, C Saez… - Process Safety and …, 2023 - Elsevier
This work focuses on the production, in continuous mode, of chlorate and hydrogen
peroxide, using tailored electrochemical cells specially designed to obtain high efficiencies …

Time-dependent mass-transfer behaviour under laminar and turbulent flow conditions in rotating electrodes: A CFD study with analytical and experimental validation

AN Colli, JM Bisang - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019 - Elsevier
Results of numerical calculations and their comparison with analytical expressions or
experimental data under laminar and turbulent flow conditions are reported. It is predicted …

Current and potential distribution in electrochemical reactors with activated or resistive electrodes. A multiregion and open source approach

AN Colli, JM Bisang - Electrochimica Acta, 2018 - Elsevier
An open source compact and general tool, implemented in OpenFOAM including a novel
solver with a new boundary condition and post-processing utilities, is derived to enable …

Analysis of inlet and gap effect in hydrodynamics and mass transport performance of a multipurpose electrochemical reactor: CFD simulation and experimental …

A Rodríguez, FF Rivera, G Orozco, G Carreño… - Electrochimica …, 2018 - Elsevier
This work deals with the reaction environment analysis (hydrodynamic and mass transport
characterization) inside the flow channel of a parallel plate electrolyzer. Different electrode …

Compact and general strategy for solving current and potential distribution in electrochemical cells composed of massive monopolar and bipolar electrodes

AN Colli, HH Girault - Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017 -
A compact, fast and general algorithm based on Dirichlet boundary conditions for the
potential field is derived to enable the calculation of local current distribution, shunt currents …

Mass transfer in 3D‐printed electrolyzers: The importance of inlet effects

SJC Weusten, LCEM Murrer, MT de Groot… - AIChE …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This article investigates the effect of inlet shape, entrance length, and turbulence promoters
on mass transfer by using 3D‐printed electrolyzers. Our results show that the inlet design …

Comparison of experimental and CFD mass transfer coefficient of three commercial turbulence promoters

JE Lira-Teco, F Rivera, O Farias-Moguel… - Fuel, 2016 - Elsevier
The efficiency and performance of electrodialytic cells is based on the flow pattern and mass
transfer characteristics, hence, evaluation of cell design, spacers and turbulence promoters …