Meteorology and climate influences on tropospheric ozone: a review of natural sources, chemistry, and transport patterns
Tropospheric ozone is a key air pollutant and greenhouse gas. Its fate strongly depends on
meteorological conditions and therefore subject to climate change influences. Such …
meteorological conditions and therefore subject to climate change influences. Such …
Photo-chemical transport modelling of tropospheric ozone: A review
Ground level ozone (GLO), a secondary pollutant having adverse impact on human health,
ecology, and agricultural productivity, apart from being a major contributor to global …
ecology, and agricultural productivity, apart from being a major contributor to global …
Year-long simulation of gaseous and particulate air pollutants in India
Severe pollution events occur frequently in India but few studies have investigated the
characteristics, sources, and control strategies for the whole country. A year-long simulation …
characteristics, sources, and control strategies for the whole country. A year-long simulation …
Role of long-range transport and local meteorology in seasonal variation of surface ozone and its precursors at an urban site in India
This study is based on the continuous measurements of ozone (O 3), carbon monoxide (CO)
and nitrogen oxides (NOx) at a semi-arid urban site in Udaipur, India during the years 2011 …
and nitrogen oxides (NOx) at a semi-arid urban site in Udaipur, India during the years 2011 …
High time and mass resolved PTR-TOF-MS measurements of VOCs at an urban site of India during winter: Role of anthropogenic, biomass burning, biogenic and …
This study is based on the high mass and time-resolved measurements of seven VOCs
using a PTR-TOF-MS instrument at an urban site of India during winter 2013. Daily levels of …
using a PTR-TOF-MS instrument at an urban site of India during winter 2013. Daily levels of …
Lower tropospheric ozone over India and its linkage to the South Asian monsoon
Lower tropospheric (surface to 600 hPa) ozone over India poses serious risks to both human
health and crops, and potentially affects global ozone distribution through frequent deep …
health and crops, and potentially affects global ozone distribution through frequent deep …
Vertical stratification of volatile organic compounds and their photochemical product formation potential in an industrial urban area
High emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the petrochemical industry and
vehicle exhaust may contribute to high ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary …
vehicle exhaust may contribute to high ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary …
Tropical tropospheric ozone and carbon monoxide distributions: characteristics, origins and control factors, as seen by IAGOS and IASI
The characteristics and seasonal variability of the tropical tropospheric distributions of ozone
(O 3) and carbon monoxide (CO) were analysed based on in situ measurements provided …
(O 3) and carbon monoxide (CO) were analysed based on in situ measurements provided …
Tropospheric ozone over the Indian subcontinent from 2000 to 2015: Data set and simulation using GEOS-Chem chemical transport model
The Indian subcontinent (IS) is a region of increasing economic growth, urbanization, and
consequently, anthropogenic emissions, altering tropospheric ozone (O 3) over the region …
consequently, anthropogenic emissions, altering tropospheric ozone (O 3) over the region …
[HTML][HTML] Simulation of the interannual variations of tropospheric ozone over China: Roles of variations in meteorological parameters and anthropogenic emissions
We quantify the interannual variations (IAVs) of tropospheric O 3 over China for the years
2004–2012 by using the one-way nested-grid version of the global three-dimensional …
2004–2012 by using the one-way nested-grid version of the global three-dimensional …