Tailoring structure‐borne sound through bandgap engineering in phononic crystals and metamaterials: a comprehensive review

M Oudich, NJRK Gerard, Y Deng… - Advanced Functional …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
In solid state physics, a bandgap (BG) refers to a range of energies where no electronic
states can exist. This concept was extended to classical waves, spawning the entire fields of …

Achieving ultra-broadband and ultra-low-frequency surface wave bandgaps in seismic metamaterials through topology optimization

Z Liu, HW Dong, GL Yu, L Cheng - Composite Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
Achieving broadband low-frequency surface wave bandgaps is technically challenging,
which calls for a systematic design paradigm instead of intuitive approaches. In this study …

Periodic in-filled pipes embedded in semi-infinite space as seismic metamaterials for filtering ultra-low-frequency surface waves

X Wang, S Wan, Y Nian, P Zhou, Y Zhu - Construction and Building …, 2021 - Elsevier
The use of artificial periodic structures such as periodic wave barriers and seismic
metamaterials has attracted attention as an effective approach to reduce the impact of …

Analytical and numerical investigation of finite and infinite periodic lattices for mitigation of seismic waves in layered grounds

S Amanat, R Rafiee-Dehkharghani, M Bitaraf… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper studies periodically arranged seismic barriers consisting of finite and infinite
lattices to mitigate seismic surface waves in layered soils. Using Bloch-Flouquet theory …

Meta-structure enhanced second harmonic S0 waves for material microstructural changes monitoring

Z Liu, S Shan, L Cheng - Ultrasonics, 2024 - Elsevier
Cumulative second harmonic Lamb waves in nonlinear media feature increasing amplitudes
with propagation distance, conducive to the monitoring of material microstructural changes …

Metamaterial approach to mitigate ground‐borne vibrations induced by moving trains

W Liu, S Yan, L Wu, J Zhou - Applied Research, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The ground‐borne vibration generated by moving trains has become an important
environmental problem. Research on mitigation measures has been uninterrupted for …

Inverse design of locally resonant metabarrier by deep learning with a rule-based topology dataset

CX Liu, GL Yu - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2022 - Elsevier
A deep learning model consisting of a variational autoencoder (VAE) and a tandem neural
network (TNN) is presented to realize the inverse design of a locally resonant metabarrier for …

Analysis of reduction effectiveness and design of locally resonant metamaterial barriers for train vibration

H Zheng, L Miao, P **ao, K Lei… - International Journal of …, 2024 - World Scientific
Train vibrations are the primary concern in environmental engineering and civil engineering.
It is significantly imperative to find new methods for reducing and isolating vibrations. The …

Nonlinear-Lamb-wave-based plastic damage detection assisted by topologically designed metamaterial filters

Z Liu, S Shan, L Cheng - Structural Health Monitoring, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Owing to their high sensitivity to material microstructural defects, nonlinear guided waves
(NGWs) show great promise for the early detection of incipient damages, conducive to …

Novel periodic pile barriers in saturated soil and applications to propagation attenuation of shear plane waves

P Zhou, S Wan, X Wang, J Fu, J Shen - Computers and Geotechnics, 2022 - Elsevier
The frequency attenuation zones (AZs) of periodic pile barriers have attracted extensive
attention in recent years due to their superior performance in ambient vibration reduction …