Impacts of a jet's exit flow pattern on mixing and combustion performance

GJ Nathan, J Mi, ZT Alwahabi, GJR Newbold… - Progress in energy and …, 2006 - Elsevier
The influence of modifying a jet's exit flow pattern on both the near and far-field turbulent
mixing processes and on the resulting combustion performance, is explored. This reveals …

[PDF][PDF] A review of effects of initial and boundary conditions on turbulent jets

A Abdel-Rahman - WSEAS transactions on Fluid Mechanics, 2010 -
On the basis of available knowledge, it is shown that different mechanisms may have control
in different jet flows or in different regions of a jet flow. In free jet flows, the downstream …

Influence of jet exit conditions on the passive scalar field of an axisymmetric free jet

J Mi, DS Nobes, GJ Nathan - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2001 -
The influence of initial flow conditions on the passive scalar field of a turbulent free jet
issuing from the round nozzle is investigated in this paper by a review of the literature and a …

Statistical properties of turbulent free jets issuing from nine differently-shaped nozzles

J Mi, GJ Nathan - Flow, turbulence and combustion, 2010 - Springer
This paper reports the centerline evolutions of turbulent statistical properties in nine air jets
issuing from differently-shaped nozzles into still air surroundings. All nozzles of investigation …

Mixing characteristics of axisymmetric free jets from a contoured nozzle, an orifice plate and a pipe

J Mi, GJ Nathan, DS Nobes - J. Fluids Eng., 2001 -
The differences in mixing performance between axisymmetric turbulent jets issuing from
three common types of nozzle, viz. a contoured (or smooth contraction) nozzle, a sharp …

The effect of nozzle geometry on the flow and heat transfer of pulsed im**ing jet on the concave surface

S Rakhsha, MR Zargarabadi, S Saedodin - International Journal of Thermal …, 2023 - Elsevier
The main aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of nozzle geometry on the flow and
heat transfer from a pulsed jet into a concave surface. Experiments have been carried out for …

PIV measurements of a turbulent jet issuing from round sharp-edged plate

JB Mi, P Kalt, GJ Nathan, CY Wong - Experiments in fluids, 2007 - Springer
An experimental investigation is presented of a turbulent jet issuing from a round sharp-
edged orifice plate (OP) into effectively unbounded surroundings. Planar measurements of …

The influence of nozzle-exit geometric profile on statistical properties of a turbulent plane jet

RC Deo, J Mi, GJ Nathan - Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2007 - Elsevier
The paper reports an investigation of the influence of geometric profile of a long slot nozzle
on the statistical properties of a plane jet discharging into a large space. The nozzle-exit …

The flow and heat transfer behavior of synthetic jets with star shaped orifice of different lobes

P Sharma, SK Sahu, H Yadav - International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023 - Elsevier
In the present experimental investigation, the flow and heat transfer characteristics of
synthetic jet (SJ) issuing from different lobed (3–10) star-shaped orifices are studied. Tests …

Particle image velocimetry investigation on mixing enhancement of non-circular sharp edge nozzles

A Hashiehbaf, GP Romano - International journal of heat and fluid flow, 2013 - Elsevier
An experimental study using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) on free jets issuing from
different orifice plate (OP) nozzles is reported. Mean velocity, turbulence intensity and higher …