Decision-making under risk: Integrating perspectives from biology, economics, and psychology
S Mishra - Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Decision-making under risk has been variably characterized and examined in many different
disciplines. However, interdisciplinary integration has not been forthcoming. Classic theories …
disciplines. However, interdisciplinary integration has not been forthcoming. Classic theories …
Explaining financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive people: Interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, social psychology, and evolutionary psychology
Financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive adults have been documented in the
labor market, in social transactions in everyday life, and in studies involving experimental …
labor market, in social transactions in everyday life, and in studies involving experimental …
[HTML][HTML] Whitening toothpaste containing activated charcoal, blue covarine, hydrogen peroxide or microbeads: which one is the most effective?
VTP Vaz, DP Jubilato, MRM Oliveira… - Journal of Applied Oral …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
The efficacy of whitening toothpastes is questionable and controversial. Clinicians, patients
and researchers have expressed concern with whitening toothpastes due to the risk of …
and researchers have expressed concern with whitening toothpastes due to the risk of …
[KNIHA][B] Psychologische Personalauswahl: Eignungsdiagnostik für Personalentscheidungen und Berufsberatung
H Schuler - 2014 - books.google.com
Wie passen Menschen und Berufe zusammen? Welches sind die wichtigsten
Voraussetzungen für beruflichen Erfolg? Weshalb hat die Intelligenz eine so große …
Voraussetzungen für beruflichen Erfolg? Weshalb hat die Intelligenz eine so große …
Bridging the trust gap in influencer marketing: Ways to sustain consumers' trust and assuage their distrust in the social media influencer landscape
While consumers' trust in social media influencers (SMIs) has spurred the growth of
influencer marketing, consumers have come to distrust what these SMIs say recently …
influencer marketing, consumers have come to distrust what these SMIs say recently …
[HTML][HTML] Blinded by beauty: Attractiveness bias and accurate perceptions of academic performance
Despite the old adage not to 'judge a book by its cover', facial cues often guide first
impressions and these first impressions guide our decisions. Literature suggests there are …
impressions and these first impressions guide our decisions. Literature suggests there are …
The relative state model: Integrating need-based and ability-based pathways to risk-taking
Who takes risks, and why? Does risk-taking in one context predict risk-taking in other
contexts? We seek to address these questions by considering two non-independent …
contexts? We seek to address these questions by considering two non-independent …
13 contributions of nonverbal cues to the accurate judgment of personality traits
This chapter summarizes research on nonverbal expressions of behavior (nonverbal cues)
and how they contribute to the accuracy of personality judgments. First, it presents a …
and how they contribute to the accuracy of personality judgments. First, it presents a …
Beautiful seems good, but perhaps not in every way: Linking attractiveness to moral evaluation through perceived vanity.
For almost 50 years, psychologists have understood that what is beautiful is perceived as
good. This simple and intuitively appealing hypothesis has been confirmed in many ways …
good. This simple and intuitively appealing hypothesis has been confirmed in many ways …
Evaluating the Photoprotective Effects of Ochre on Human Skin by In Vivo SPF Assessment: Implications for Human Evolution, Adaptation and Dispersal
Archaeological indicators of cognitively modern behaviour become increasingly prevalent
during the African Middle Stone Age (MSA). Although the exploitation of ochre is viewed as …
during the African Middle Stone Age (MSA). Although the exploitation of ochre is viewed as …