Falls from height in the construction industry: A critical review of the scientific literature
EA Nadhim, C Hon, B ** a Holistic Occupational Health and Safety risk assessment model: An application to a case of sustainable construction project
The construction industry has always been infamous due to its staggering numbers of
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)-related injuries, resulting from overlooking all the …
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)-related injuries, resulting from overlooking all the …
Accident analysis for construction safety using latent class clustering and artificial neural networks
Despite many improvements in safety management, the construction industry still has the
highest potential for occupational injuries including High Severe (HS) work events, which …
highest potential for occupational injuries including High Severe (HS) work events, which …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of the causes and preventive measures of fatal fall-related accidents in the construction industry
Fall-related accident causes severe injuries and deaths in the construction industry. This
study analyzed 108 fall fatalities in Malaysia from 2010 to 2018 to find the critical, relevant …
study analyzed 108 fall fatalities in Malaysia from 2010 to 2018 to find the critical, relevant …
Penilaian risiko dengan metode HIRADC pada pekerjaan konstruksi gedung kebudayaan Sumatera Barat
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja sangat perlu menjadi pertimbangan bagi industri guna
menghindari kecelakaan kerja. Pencegahan kecelakaan dapat dilakukan dengan …
menghindari kecelakaan kerja. Pencegahan kecelakaan dapat dilakukan dengan …
[HTML][HTML] A research framework of mitigating construction accidents in high-rise building projects via integrating building information modeling with emerging digital …
The construction of high-rise building projects is a dangerous vocation due to the
uniqueness and nature of the activities, as well as the complexity of the working …
uniqueness and nature of the activities, as well as the complexity of the working …