[KNYGA][B] Forensic biology: identification and DNA analysis of biological evidence
R Li - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Designed as an accessible introduction to basic scientific principles and their application in
professional practice, Forensic Biology provides a concise overview of the field. Focusing …
professional practice, Forensic Biology provides a concise overview of the field. Focusing …
Forensic genetics and genoty**
K Vitošević, D Todorović, Ž Slović… - Serbian Journal of …, 2019 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Forensic genetics represents a combination of molecular and population genetics. Personal
identification and kinship analysis (eg paternity testing) are the two main subjects of forensic …
identification and kinship analysis (eg paternity testing) are the two main subjects of forensic …
ДНК-криминалистика-зарождение, современность и перспективы
ВА Анисимов, РР Гарафутдинов, АМ Сагитов… - Биомика, 2019 - elibrary.ru
В статье приведены основные вехи в ДНК-криминалистике. Дана краткая историческая
справка о развитии подходов к ДНК-идентификации личности, делая акцент на …
справка о развитии подходов к ДНК-идентификации личности, делая акцент на …
Future of biobanks–bigger, longer, and more dimensional
O Polašek - Croatian medical journal, 2013 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Collections and repositories of biological samples that are used for research and medicinal
purposes are referred to as biobanks. Biobanks focused on genetic epidemiology are …
purposes are referred to as biobanks. Biobanks focused on genetic epidemiology are …
Attitudes regarding the national forensic DNA database: Survey data from the general public, prison inmates and prosecutors' offices in the Republic of Serbia
S Teodorović, D Mijović, UR Nenadić… - Forensic science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Worldwide, the establishment of national forensic DNA databases has transformed personal
identification in the criminal justice system over the past two decades. It has also stimulated …
identification in the criminal justice system over the past two decades. It has also stimulated …
Polytopal Bier spheres and Kantorovich–Rubinstein polytopes of weighted cycles
FD Jevtić, M Timotijević, RT Živaljević - Discrete & Computational …, 2021 - Springer
The problem of deciding if a given triangulation of a sphere can be realized as the boundary
sphere of a simplicial, convex polytope is known as the 'Simplicial Steinitz problem'. It is …
sphere of a simplicial, convex polytope is known as the 'Simplicial Steinitz problem'. It is …
[PDF][PDF] DNA forensics–the origin, present state and future prospects
VA Anisimov, RR Garafutdinov, AM Sagitov… - Biomika …, 2019 - biomicsj.ru
The article presents the main milestones in DNA forensics. A brief historical background on
the development of approaches to DNA identification of personality, focusing on the current …
the development of approaches to DNA identification of personality, focusing on the current …
Develo** forensic reference database by 18 autosomal STR for DNA identification in Republic of Belarus
IS Tsybovskii, VM Veremeichik, SA Kotova… - Russian Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract For the Republic of Belarus, development of a forensic reference database on the
basis of 18 autosomal microsatellites (STR) using a population dataset (N= 1040),“familial” …
basis of 18 autosomal microsatellites (STR) using a population dataset (N= 1040),“familial” …
Croatian National Centre for Biobanking–a new perspective in biobanks governance?
Ethical issues in biobanking, as well as organization and management of biobanks, have
become permanent topic of scientific publications in the last 15 years (1). The Expert Group …
become permanent topic of scientific publications in the last 15 years (1). The Expert Group …
[PDF][PDF] Contribuição do Banco de Perfis Genéticos da Superintendência de Polícia Técnico-Científica do Estado de Goiás com a elucidação de crimes após três anos …
MF Mota, NCP Finotti - Revista Brasileira de Criminalística, 2018 - aspecgo.com.br
O tema da segurança pública e combate à criminalidade é pauta frequente de debates. A
sociedade demanda do Estado políticas públicas eficientes no combate à violência. Bancos …
sociedade demanda do Estado políticas públicas eficientes no combate à violência. Bancos …