Role of the orbital degree of freedom in iron-based superconductors
Almost a decade has passed since the serendipitous discovery of the iron-based high
temperature superconductors (FeSCs) in 2008. The fact that, as in the copper oxide high …
temperature superconductors (FeSCs) in 2008. The fact that, as in the copper oxide high …
Europium-based iron pnictides: a unique laboratory for magnetism, superconductivity and structural effects
S Zapf, M Dressel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
Despite decades of intense research, the origin of high-temperature superconductivity in
cuprates and iron-based compounds is still a mystery. Magnetism and superconductivity are …
cuprates and iron-based compounds is still a mystery. Magnetism and superconductivity are …
Exceptional behavior of a high-temperature superconductor in proximity to a ferromagnet in a bilayer film, La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3/YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7
We studied the electronic properties of a high-temperature superconductor in proximity to a
ferromagnetic material in a bilayer film of La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 (LSMO)/YBa2Cu3O7 …
ferromagnetic material in a bilayer film of La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 (LSMO)/YBa2Cu3O7 …
Evidences for local non-centrosymmetricity and strong phonon anomaly in EuCu2As2: a Raman spectroscopy and lattice dynamics study
Phonon modes and their association with the electronic states have been investigated for
the metallic EuCu 2 As 2 system. In this work, we present the Raman spectra of this pnictide …
the metallic EuCu 2 As 2 system. In this work, we present the Raman spectra of this pnictide …
Strongly anisotropic antiferromagnetic coupling in revealed by stress detwinning
Of all parent compounds of iron-based high-temperature superconductors, EuFe 2 As 2
exhibits by far the largest magnetostructural coupling due to the sizable biquadratic …
exhibits by far the largest magnetostructural coupling due to the sizable biquadratic …
Emergent electronic structure of CaFe2As2
CaFe2As2 exhibits collapsed tetragonal (cT) structure and varied exotic behaviour under
pressure at low temperatures that led to debate on linking the structural changes to its …
pressure at low temperatures that led to debate on linking the structural changes to its …
Electronic structure of Fe-based superconductors
K Maiti - Pramana, 2015 - Springer
Fe-based superconductors have drawn much attention during the last decade due to the
presence of superconductivity in materials containing the magnetic element, Fe, and the …
presence of superconductivity in materials containing the magnetic element, Fe, and the …
Complex temperature evolution of the electronic structure of CaFe2As2
Employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy, we investigate the temperature
evolution of the electronic structure of CaFe 2 As 2, which is a parent compound of high …
evolution of the electronic structure of CaFe 2 As 2, which is a parent compound of high …
Dimensionality, nematicity and superconductivity in Fe-based systems
Study of Fe based compounds have drawn much attention due to the discovery of
superconductivity as well as many other exotic electronic properties. Here, we review some …
superconductivity as well as many other exotic electronic properties. Here, we review some …
Hidden phase in parent Fe-pnictide superconductors
We investigate the origin of exoticity in Fe-based systems via studying the fermiology of
CaFe 2 As 2 employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. While the Fermi …
CaFe 2 As 2 employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. While the Fermi …