Molecular polaritons for chemistry, photonics and quantum technologies

B **ang, W **ong - Chemical Reviews, 2024‏ - ACS Publications
Molecular polaritons are quasiparticles resulting from the hybridization between molecular
and photonic modes. These composite entities, bearing characteristics inherited from both …

Cavity optomechanics

M Aspelmeyer, TJ Kippenberg, F Marquardt - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2014‏ - APS
The field of cavity optomechanics is reviewed. This field explores the interaction between
electromagnetic radiation and nanomechanical or micromechanical motion. This review …

Cavity magnomechanics

X Zhang, CL Zou, L Jiang, HX Tang - Science advances, 2016‏ -
A dielectric body couples with electromagnetic fields through radiation pressure and
electrostrictive forces, which mediate phonon-photon coupling in cavity optomechanics. In a …

-Symmetric Phonon Laser

H **g, SK Özdemir, XY Lü, J Zhang, L Yang, F Nori - Physical review letters, 2014‏ - APS
By exploiting recent developments associated with coupled microcavities, we introduce the
concept of the PT-symmetric phonon laser with balanced gain and loss. This is …

Models of wave-function collapse, underlying theories, and experimental tests

A Bassi, K Lochan, S Satin, TP Singh, H Ulbricht - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013‏ - APS
Quantum mechanics is an extremely successful theory that agrees with every experimental
test. However, the principle of linear superposition, a central tenet of the theory, apparently …

Laser cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state

J Chan, TPM Alegre, AH Safavi-Naeini, JT Hill… - Nature, 2011‏ -
The simple mechanical oscillator, canonically consisting of a coupled mass–spring system,
is used in a wide variety of sensitive measurements, including the detection of weak forces …

Squeezing of quantum noise of motion in a micromechanical resonator

JM Pirkkalainen, E Damskägg, M Brandt, F Massel… - Physical Review Letters, 2015‏ - APS
A pair of conjugate observables, such as the quadrature amplitudes of harmonic motion,
have fundamental fluctuations that are bound by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation …

Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials

H Ritsch, P Domokos, F Brennecke, T Esslinger - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013‏ - APS
This is a review of state-of-the-art theory and experiment of the motion of cold and ultracold
atoms coupled to the radiation field within a high-finesse optical resonator in the dispersive …

Quantum ground state and single-phonon control of a mechanical resonator

AD O'Connell, M Hofheinz, M Ansmann, RC Bialczak… - Nature, 2010‏ -
Quantum mechanics provides a highly accurate description of a wide variety of physical
systems. However, a demonstration that quantum mechanics applies equally to macroscopic …

Optomechanically induced transparency

S Weis, R Rivière, S Deléglise, E Gavartin, O Arcizet… - science, 2010‏ -
Electromagnetically induced transparency is a quantum interference effect observed in
atoms and molecules, in which the optical response of an atomic medium is controlled by an …