[HTML][HTML] Forecasting of area, production, and yield of jute in Bangladesh using Box-Jenkins ARIMA model
Jute holds significant importance as a cash crop in Bangladesh and was once renowned as
the country's" golden fiber." Before embarking on a comprehensive strategy, it is crucial to …
the country's" golden fiber." Before embarking on a comprehensive strategy, it is crucial to …
Mid-season empirical cotton yield forecasts at fine resolutions using large yield map** datasets and diverse spatial covariates
Forecasts of crop yield are an important tool for a variety of stakeholders, but most studies
produce large-scale, late-season yield forecasts that are not appropriate for farmers …
produce large-scale, late-season yield forecasts that are not appropriate for farmers …
Cotton yield prediction with Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based simulation model integrated with genetic programing algorithm: A new hybrid copula-driven approach
Reliable data-driven models designed to accurately estimate cotton yield, an important
agricultural commodity, can be adopted by farmers, agricultural system modelling experts …
agricultural commodity, can be adopted by farmers, agricultural system modelling experts …
A simple and parsimonious generalised additive model for predicting wheat yield in a decision support tool
K Chen, RA O'Leary, FH Evans - Agricultural Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
Yield prediction is a major determinant of many management decisions for crop production.
Farmers and their advisors want user-friendly decision support tools for predicting yield …
Farmers and their advisors want user-friendly decision support tools for predicting yield …
An AI based web portal for cotton price analysis and prediction
Abstract Artificial Intelligence based Web portal is extensively used in worldwide because it
used to solve various primary low level problems in agriculture such as predicting precise …
used to solve various primary low level problems in agriculture such as predicting precise …
Forecasting area, production and productivity of vegetable crops in Nepal using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA model
Forecasting of vegetable area, production, and productivity of Nepal was made from the
historical data of 1977/78 to 2019/20 by using the Box-Jenkins Autoregressive Integrated …
historical data of 1977/78 to 2019/20 by using the Box-Jenkins Autoregressive Integrated …
Integrating aquaponics production systems into the Romanian green procurement network
This study aims to evaluate the opportunity of integrating aquaponics as an environmentally
preferable procurement (EPP) solution in Romania, meant to improve productivity and …
preferable procurement (EPP) solution in Romania, meant to improve productivity and …
Modelling and forecasting of tea production, consumption and export in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is the world's 9 th largest tea producer and the tea industry is a major
contributor to the country's economy. In order to provide information about the demand …
contributor to the country's economy. In order to provide information about the demand …
Modern concepts and techniques for better cotton production
Sustainable cotton production in current environmental conditions is under threat due to
climatic variability and shortage of ever-decreasing resources for agricultural crops. There is …
climatic variability and shortage of ever-decreasing resources for agricultural crops. There is …
[PDF][PDF] Forecasting cash crop production with statistical and neural network model.
Countries can use forecasts to establish data-driven strategies and make educated
commercial decisions. In order to minimize rural poverty and unemployment in develo** …
commercial decisions. In order to minimize rural poverty and unemployment in develo** …