Learning cultural heritage by serious games
Immersive technologies such as virtual environments and augmented reality have a clear
potential to support the experiencing of cultural heritage by the large public, complementing …
potential to support the experiencing of cultural heritage by the large public, complementing …
A systematic literature review on serious games evaluation: An application to software project management
Training that future practitioners receive in software project management is a topic of great
importance. The objective of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current …
importance. The objective of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current …
Assessment in and of serious games: An overview
There is a consensus that serious games have a significant potential as a tool for instruction.
However, their effectiveness in terms of learning outcomes is still understudied mainly due to …
However, their effectiveness in terms of learning outcomes is still understudied mainly due to …
[CARTE][B] Machine Learning for Computer and Cyber Security
BB Gupta, M Sheng - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Gupta, Brij, 1982-editor.| Sheng, Quan Z. editor. Title: Machine learning for computer
and cyber security: principles, algorithms, and practices/editors Brij B. Gupta, National …
and cyber security: principles, algorithms, and practices/editors Brij B. Gupta, National …
A framework to design, develop, and evaluate immersive and collaborative serious games in cultural heritage
R Andreoli, A Corolla, A Faggiano… - Journal on Computing …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Video games and their design are complex in nature, given the variety of aspects and
challenges to face and the different areas of expertise involved. Furthermore, serious games …
challenges to face and the different areas of expertise involved. Furthermore, serious games …
The use of serious games in museum visits and exhibitions: A systematic map** study
Serious Games (SGs) have been widely adopted in cultural settings and museums,
especially the last five years. It is expected that SG can link directly the museum content with …
especially the last five years. It is expected that SG can link directly the museum content with …
Intercultural Perspective on Impact of Video Games on Players: Insights from a Systematic Review of Recent Literature.
E Shliakhovchuk, A Muñoz García - Educational Sciences: Theory and …, 2020 - ERIC
The video-game industry has become a significant force in the business and entertainment
world. Video games have become so widespread and pervasive that they are now …
world. Video games have become so widespread and pervasive that they are now …
Generating Embodied Storytelling and Interactive Experience of China Intangible Cultural Heritage “Hua'er” in Virtual Reality
Hua'er, a type of traditional oral performance, is one of the national intangible cultural
heritages (ICH) in China. Experts have been trying to enhance public's awareness of Hua'er …
heritages (ICH) in China. Experts have been trying to enhance public's awareness of Hua'er …
Exploring underwater archaeology findings with a diving simulator in virtual reality
DA Plecher, L Keil, G Kost, M Fiederling… - Frontiers in Virtual …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
With Virtual Reality (VR) technology maturing and spreading widely in recent years, it is
becoming an increasingly useful tool for entertainment and education alike. Its potential to …
becoming an increasingly useful tool for entertainment and education alike. Its potential to …
A model of heritage content to support the design and analysis of video games for history education
L Hanes, R Stone - Journal of Computers in Education, 2019 - Springer
In recent years, increasing academic attention has been focused on the educational
potential of video games. Serious games for heritage applications have received much …
potential of video games. Serious games for heritage applications have received much …