Quantum thermodynamics

S Vinjanampathy, J Anders - Contemporary Physics, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Quantum thermodynamics is an emerging research field aiming to extend standard
thermodynamics and non-equilibrium statistical physics to ensembles of sizes well below …

Finite-time quantum Landauer principle and quantum coherence

T Van Vu, K Saito - Physical review letters, 2022 - APS
The Landauer principle states that any logically irreversible information processing must be
accompanied by dissipation into the environment. In this Letter, we investigate the heat …

A general derivation and quantification of the third law of thermodynamics

L Masanes, J Oppenheim - Nature communications, 2017 - nature.com
The most accepted version of the third law of thermodynamics, the unattainability principle,
states that any process cannot reach absolute zero temperature in a finite number of steps …

Speed limit for a highly irreversible process and tight finite-time Landauer's bound

JS Lee, S Lee, H Kwon, H Park - Physical review letters, 2022 - APS
Landauer's bound is the minimum thermodynamic cost for erasing one bit of information. As
this bound is achievable only for quasistatic processes, finite-time operation incurs …

Universal bound on energy cost of bit reset in finite time

YZ Zhen, D Egloff, K Modi, O Dahlsten - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
We consider how the energy cost of bit reset scales with the time duration of the protocol. Bit
reset necessarily takes place in finite time, where there is an extra penalty on top of the …

Correlating thermal machines and the second law at the nanoscale

MP Müller - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
Thermodynamics at the nanoscale is known to differ significantly from its familiar
macroscopic counterpart: The possibility of state transitions is not determined by free energy …

Quantum fluctuations hinder finite-time information erasure near the Landauer limit

HJD Miller, G Guarnieri, MT Mitchison, J Goold - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
Information is physical but information is also processed in finite time. Where computing
protocols are concerned, finite-time processing in the quantum regime can dynamically …

Optimal finite-time bit erasure under full control

K Proesmans, J Ehrich, J Bechhoefer - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
We study the finite-time erasure of a one-bit memory consisting of a one-dimensional double-
well potential, with each well encoding a memory macrostate. We focus on setups that …

Finite-time Landauer principle beyond weak coupling

A Rolandi, M Perarnau-Llobet - Quantum, 2023 - quantum-journal.org
Landauer's principle gives a fundamental limit to the thermodynamic cost of erasing
information. Its saturation requires a reversible isothermal process, and hence infinite time …

Beyond heat baths: Generalized resource theories for small-scale thermodynamics

N Yunger Halpern, JM Renes - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
Thermodynamics has recently been extended to small scales with resource theories that
model heat exchanges. Real physical systems exchange diverse quantities: heat, particles …