Positive youth development: Current perspectives
This review outlines the current perspectives on positive youth development (PYD). Besides
presenting the diverse theoretical roots contributing to PYD approaches, this review also …
presenting the diverse theoretical roots contributing to PYD approaches, this review also …
Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health
Traditionally, positive emotions and thoughts, strengths, and the satisfaction of basic
psychological needs for belonging, competence, and autonomy have been seen as the …
psychological needs for belonging, competence, and autonomy have been seen as the …
[ספר][B] Character strengths interventions: A field guide for practitioners
RM Niemiec - 2018 - books.google.com
The definitive, practical handbook on positive psychology and character strengths for
practitioners working in coaching, psychology, education, and business–start using …
practitioners working in coaching, psychology, education, and business–start using …
Measuring well-being: A comparison of subjective well-being and PERMA
We compared Seligman's PERMA model of well-being with Diener's model of subjective
well-being (SWB) to determine if the newer PERMA captured a type of well-being unique …
well-being (SWB) to determine if the newer PERMA captured a type of well-being unique …
The five-dimensional curiosity scale: Capturing the bandwidth of curiosity and identifying four unique subgroups of curious people
Since the origins of psychology, curiosity has occupied a pivotal position in the study of
motivation, emotion, and cognition; and disciplines as far-ranging as biology, economics …
motivation, emotion, and cognition; and disciplines as far-ranging as biology, economics …
[HTML][HTML] Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being in adolescents
The present study aimed to analyze the association between of the dimensions of emotional
intelligence (attention, clarity, and repair) and different levels of perceived happiness (low …
intelligence (attention, clarity, and repair) and different levels of perceived happiness (low …
Character strengths and PERMA: Investigating the relationships of character strengths with a multidimensional framework of well-being
Character strengths are positively valued traits that are expected to contribute to the good
life (Peterson and Seligman 2004). Numerous studies have confirmed their robust …
life (Peterson and Seligman 2004). Numerous studies have confirmed their robust …
Eudaimonia and its distinction from hedonia: Develo** a classification and terminology for understanding conceptual and operational definitions
Interest in eudaimonia (eg, growth, meaning, authenticity, excellence) and its distinction from
hedonia (eg, pleasure, enjoyment, comfort, absence of distress) is growing rapidly, as …
hedonia (eg, pleasure, enjoyment, comfort, absence of distress) is growing rapidly, as …
[HTML][HTML] Promoting preservice teachers' psychological and pedagogical competencies for online learning and teaching: The TEACH program
During the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face teaching was not viable because
many schools were forced to close as a preventive measure. Educators abruptly shifted to …
many schools were forced to close as a preventive measure. Educators abruptly shifted to …
Unpacking grit: Motivational correlates of perseverance and passion for long-term goals
In two cross-sectional studies, we explored the motivational orientations correlates of the
character strength of grit and its two component facets: perseverance of effort and …
character strength of grit and its two component facets: perseverance of effort and …