Parameterized algorithms for block-structured integer programs with large entries

J Cslovjecsek, M Koutecký, A Lassota, M Pilipczuk… - Proceedings of the 2024 …, 2024 - SIAM
We study two classic variants of block-structured integer programming. Two-stage stochastic
programs are integer programs of the form {A ix+ D iyi= bi for all i= 1,…, n}, where Ai and Di …

The double exponential runtime is tight for 2-stage stochastic ILPs

K Jansen, KM Klein, A Lassota - Mathematical Programming, 2023 - Springer
We consider fundamental algorithmic number theoretic problems and their relation to a class
of block structured Integer Linear Programs (ILPs) called 2-stage stochastic. A 2-stage …

Tight lower bounds for block-structured integer programs

C Hunkenschröder, KM Klein, M Koutecký… - … Conference on Integer …, 2024 - Springer
We study fundamental block-structured integer programs called tree-fold and multi-stage
IPs. Tree-fold IPs admit a constraint matrix with independent blocks linked together by few …

Parameterized complexity for iterated type partitions and modular-width

G Cordasco, L Gargano, AA Rescigno - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the complexity of some natural graph problems parameterized by
some measures that are restrictions of clique-width, such as modular-width and …

Composite analysis of web pages in adaptive environment through Modified Salp Swarm algorithm to rank the web pages

E Manohar, E Anandha Banu… - Journal of Ambient …, 2022 - Springer
The web ranking is an essential information to measure the quality of service of a web page.
The dynamic changes in the web information need an efficient framework to rank the web …

Maximizing social welfare in score-based social distance games

R Ganian, T Hamm, D Knop, S Roy… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Social distance games have been extensively studied as a coalition formation model where
the utilities of agents in each coalition were captured using a utility function $ u $ that took …

Equitable connected partition and structural parameters revisited: N-fold beats lenstra

V Blažej, D Knop, J Pokorný, Š Schierreich - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
We study the Equitable Connected Partition (ECP for short) problem, where we are given a
graph G=(V, E) together with an integer p, and our goal is to find a partition of V into p parts …

The complexity of election problems with group-separable preferences

P Faliszewski, A Karpov, S Obraztsova - Autonomous Agents and Multi …, 2022 - Springer
We analyze the complexity of several NP-hard election-related problems under the
assumptions that the voters have group-separable preferences. We show that under this …

Faster algorithms for sparse ilp and hypergraph multi-packing/multi-cover problems

D Gribanov, I Shumilov, D Malyshev… - Journal of Global …, 2024 - Springer
In our paper, we consider the following general problems: check feasibility, count the
number of feasible solutions, find an optimal solution, and count the number of optimal …

A faster algorithm for counting the integer points number in -modular polyhedra (corrected version)

DV Gribanov, DS Malyshev - arxiv preprint arxiv:2110.01732, 2021 -
Let a polytope $ P $ be defined by a system $ A x\leq b $. We consider the problem of
counting the number of integer points inside $ P $, assuming that $ P $ is $\Delta $-modular …