[PDF][PDF] CNN Ensemble learning method for Transfer learning: A Review
This study provides a review of CNN's ensemble learning method for transfer learning by
highlighting sections such as review studies, datasets, pre-trained models, transfer learning …
highlighting sections such as review studies, datasets, pre-trained models, transfer learning …
IntelliRehabDS (IRDS)—A dataset of physical rehabilitation movements
In this article, we present a dataset that comprises different physical rehabilitation
movements. The dataset was captured as part of a research project intended to provide …
movements. The dataset was captured as part of a research project intended to provide …
Smart shop** system with RFID technology based on internet of things
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) incorporates most extensive number of innovations and
imagines a mixture of things or questions around us that, through one of a kind tending to …
imagines a mixture of things or questions around us that, through one of a kind tending to …
[HTML][HTML] Are smart homes adequate for older adults with dementia?
Smart home technologies can enable older adults, including those with dementia, to live
more independently in their homes for a longer time. Activity recognition, in combination with …
more independently in their homes for a longer time. Activity recognition, in combination with …
Exploring automatic gym workouts recognition locally on wearable resource-constrained devices
Automatic gym activity recognition on energy-and resource-constrained wearable devices
removes the human-interaction requirement during intense gym sessions-like soft-touch …
removes the human-interaction requirement during intense gym sessions-like soft-touch …
Automatic detection system of olive trees using improved K-means algorithm
Olive cultivation over the past few years has spread across Mediterranean countries with
Spain being the world's largest olive producer among them. Because olives are a major part …
Spain being the world's largest olive producer among them. Because olives are a major part …
[HTML][HTML] Deep transfer learning-based gaze tracking for behavioral activity recognition
Computational Ethology studies focused on human beings is usually referred as Human
Activity Recognition (HAR). Specifically, this paper belongs to a line of work on the …
Activity Recognition (HAR). Specifically, this paper belongs to a line of work on the …
Online Learners' behaviors detection using exploratory data analysis and machine learning approach
In e-learning, detecting student behavior in interacting with the Learning Management
system (LMS) is needed to create personalized learning. Analysis of the learning context is …
system (LMS) is needed to create personalized learning. Analysis of the learning context is …
Big Data classification: techniques and tools
An enormous volume of data, known as Big Data, of varied properties, is continuously being
generating from several sources. For efficient and consequential use of this huge amount of …
generating from several sources. For efficient and consequential use of this huge amount of …
Empirical comparison of clustering and classification methods for detecting Internet addiction
OV Klochko, VM Fedorets, VI Klochko - CTE Workshop Proceedings, 2024 - acnsci.org
Machine learning methods for clustering and classification are widely used in various
domains. However, their performance and applicability may depend on the characteristics of …
domains. However, their performance and applicability may depend on the characteristics of …