Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods
VN Pescuma, D Serova, J Lukassek… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
In the present review paper by members of the collaborative research center “Register:
Language Users' Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation”(CRC 1412), we assess the …
Language Users' Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation”(CRC 1412), we assess the …
What is a register?: Accounting for linguistic and situational variation within–and outside of–textual varieties
Empirical studies of register variation have established the existence of functional
correspondence between situation/context and language use. However, previous …
correspondence between situation/context and language use. However, previous …
[CARTE][B] The register-Functional approach to grammatical complexity: Theoretical foundation, descriptive research findings, application
This collection brings together the editors' previous research with new work on the Register-
Functional (RF) approach to grammatical complexity, offering a unified theoretical account …
Functional (RF) approach to grammatical complexity, offering a unified theoretical account …
Towards a taxonomy of conversational discourse types: An empirical corpus-based analysis
Scholars from several research traditions have explored the ways in which speakers
sometimes employ larger coherent discourse units within a conversational interaction. For …
sometimes employ larger coherent discourse units within a conversational interaction. For …
Text-linguistic approaches to register variation
D Biber - Register studies, 2019 -
Abstract Douglas Biber, Regents' Professor of Applied Linguistics at Northern Arizona
University, authors this article exploring the connections between register and a text …
University, authors this article exploring the connections between register and a text …
A new multidimensional model of writing for research publication: An analysis of disciplinarity, intra-textual variation, and L1 versus LX expert writing
Scholarly knowledge in contemporary academia is created and communicated primarily
through writing for research publication. It is through this particular form of knowledge …
through writing for research publication. It is through this particular form of knowledge …
Identifying and describing functional discourse units in the BNC Spoken 2014
On the surface, it appears that conversational language is produced in a stream of spoken
utterances. In reality conversation is composed of contiguous units that are characterized by …
utterances. In reality conversation is composed of contiguous units that are characterized by …
Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation after give
Recent evidence suggests that probabilistic grammars may be modulated by communication
mode and genre. Accordingly, the question arises how complex language users' lectal …
mode and genre. Accordingly, the question arises how complex language users' lectal …
In this essay, I will…: Examining variation of communicative purpose in student written genres
Several previous researchers have developed taxonomies of the written genres produced
by students in university content classes. These studies have often described the …
by students in university content classes. These studies have often described the …
Register identification from the unrestricted open Web using the Corpus of Online Registers of English
V Laippala, S Rönnqvist, M Oinonen… - Language Resources …, 2023 - Springer
This article examines the automatic identification of Web registers, that is, text varieties such
as news articles and reviews. Most studies have focused on corpora restricted to include …
as news articles and reviews. Most studies have focused on corpora restricted to include …