Constructions with and without articles
H De Swart - The syntax and semantics of pseudo-incorporation, 2015 - brill.com
The observation that languages like Mandarin Chinese and Hebrew get by with the use of
bare nominals in regular argument position with full-fledged discourse referential force …
bare nominals in regular argument position with full-fledged discourse referential force …
Advances in weak referentiality
A Aguilar-Guevara, B Le Bruyn, J Zwarts - Weak referentiality, 2014 - degruyter.com
One of the primary properties of language is that it allows us to refer, to establish a relation
between a linguistic expression and something in the world (the referent, taken in a broad …
between a linguistic expression and something in the world (the referent, taken in a broad …
A corpus study of Greek bare singulars: implications for an analysis
D Lazaridou-Chatzigoga… - Revista da …, 2013 - revista.abralin.org
Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados de um estudo de corpus sobre o singular nu no
grego. Este estudo disponibiliza pela primeira vez dados de corpus que inclui todo o …
grego. Este estudo disponibiliza pela primeira vez dados de corpus que inclui todo o …
[PDF][PDF] La interpretación de los nombres singulares escuetos en el español rioplatense.
C Oggiani - 2020 - dspace5.filo.uba.ar
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo estudiar una serie de fenómenos gramaticales vinculados
con la escuetez en el espanol del Rıo de la Plata 1 desde el marco general de la Gramática …
con la escuetez en el espanol del Rıo de la Plata 1 desde el marco general de la Gramática …
Antonymic prepositions and weak referentiality
T Kiss, C Roch - Weak Referentiality, 2014 - degruyter.com
Analyses that treat determiner omission in terms of weak referentiality have recently been
adopted for determinerless PPs. A missing discourse referent is involved in both cases …
adopted for determinerless PPs. A missing discourse referent is involved in both cases …