[HTML][HTML] Thermal state monitoring of lithium-ion batteries: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
Transportation electrification is a promising solution to meet the ever-rising energy demand
and realize sustainable development. Lithium-ion batteries, being the most predominant …
and realize sustainable development. Lithium-ion batteries, being the most predominant …
Volterra-series-based nonlinear system modeling and its engineering applications: A state-of-the-art review
Nonlinear problems have drawn great interest and extensive attention from engineers,
physicists and mathematicians and many other scientists because most real systems are …
physicists and mathematicians and many other scientists because most real systems are …
Physics-informed neural networks for solving forward and inverse problems in complex beam systems
This article proposes a new framework using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to
simulate complex structural systems that consist of single and double beams based on Euler …
simulate complex structural systems that consist of single and double beams based on Euler …
Spatiotemporal modeling for nonlinear distributed thermal processes based on KL decomposition, MLP and LSTM network
Estimation of absolute temperature distributions is crucial for many thermal processes in the
nonlinear distributed parameter systems, such as predicting the curing temperature …
nonlinear distributed parameter systems, such as predicting the curing temperature …
A comparative study of control-oriented thermal models for cylindrical Li-ion batteries
An accurate control-oriented thermal model is of extreme importance for temperature
monitoring and thermal management of lithium (Li)-ion batteries in automotive and grid …
monitoring and thermal management of lithium (Li)-ion batteries in automotive and grid …
Fuzzy boundary control design for a class of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter systems
This paper deals with the problem of fuzzy boundary control design for a class of nonlinear
distributed parameter systems which are described by semilinear parabolic partial …
distributed parameter systems which are described by semilinear parabolic partial …
A control-oriented electrothermal model for pouch-type electric vehicle batteries
An accurate control-oriented electrothermal model is of great importance for onboard
temperature monitoring and efficient performance management of lithium (Li)-ion batteries in …
temperature monitoring and efficient performance management of lithium (Li)-ion batteries in …
Observer-Based Sampled-Data Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Parabolic PDE Systems
In this paper, an observer-based H∞ sampled-data fuzzy control problem is addressed for a
class of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) systems. With the aid of the …
class of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) systems. With the aid of the …
Design of distributed H∞ fuzzy controllers with constraint for nonlinear hyperbolic PDE systems
This paper investigates the problem of designing a distributed H∞ fuzzy controller with
constraint for a class of nonlinear spatially distributed processes modeled by first-order …
constraint for a class of nonlinear spatially distributed processes modeled by first-order …
Toward high-accuracy and high-efficiency battery electrothermal modeling: A general approach to tackling modeling errors
An accurate control-oriented electrothermal model is a prerequisite for efficient thermal
management of battery-powered applications. Despite the great efforts made to pursue high …
management of battery-powered applications. Despite the great efforts made to pursue high …