Behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of pavlovian and instrumental extinction learning
This article reviews the behavioral neuroscience of extinction, the phenomenon in which a
behavior that has been acquired through Pavlovian or instrumental (operant) learning …
behavior that has been acquired through Pavlovian or instrumental (operant) learning …
The nucleus accumbens: an interface between cognition, emotion, and action
SB Floresco - Annual review of psychology, 2015 -
Nearly 40 years of research on the function of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) has provided a
wealth of information on its contributions to behavior but has also yielded controversies and …
wealth of information on its contributions to behavior but has also yielded controversies and …
Neural mechanisms of extinction learning and retrieval
GJ Quirk, D Mueller - Neuropsychopharmacology, 2008 -
Emotional learning is necessary for individuals to survive and prosper. Once acquired,
however, emotional associations are not always expressed. Indeed, the regulation of …
however, emotional associations are not always expressed. Indeed, the regulation of …
Extinction circuits for fear and addiction overlap in prefrontal cortex
Extinction is a form of inhibitory learning that suppresses a previously conditioned response.
Both fear and drug seeking are conditioned responses that can lead to maladaptive …
Both fear and drug seeking are conditioned responses that can lead to maladaptive …
Surprise! Neural correlates of Pearce–Hall and Rescorla–Wagner coexist within the brain
Learning theory and computational accounts suggest that learning depends on errors in
outcome prediction as well as changes in processing of or attention to events. These …
outcome prediction as well as changes in processing of or attention to events. These …
Role of orexin/hypocretin in reward-seeking and addiction: implications for obesity
Orexins (also named hypocretins) are recently discovered neuropeptides made exclusively
in the hypothalamus. Recent studies have shown that orexin cells located specifically in …
in the hypothalamus. Recent studies have shown that orexin cells located specifically in …
Neural mechanisms regulating different forms of risk-related decision-making: Insights from animal models
Over the past 20 years there has been a growing interest in the neural underpinnings of
cost/benefit decision-making. Recent studies with animal models have made considerable …
cost/benefit decision-making. Recent studies with animal models have made considerable …
Relative contributions and map** of ventral tegmental area dopamine and GABA neurons by projection target in the rat
JM Breton, AR Charbit, BJ Snyder… - Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is a heterogeneous midbrain structure that contains
dopamine (DA), GABA, and glutamate neurons that project to many different brain regions …
dopamine (DA), GABA, and glutamate neurons that project to many different brain regions …
Prefrontal dopamine D1 and D2 receptors regulate dissociable aspects of decision making via distinct ventral striatal and amygdalar circuits
NL Jenni, JD Larkin, SB Floresco - Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 -
Mesocortical dopamine (DA) regulates a variety of cognitive functions via actions on D1
and/or D2 receptors. For example, risk/reward decision making is modulated differentially by …
and/or D2 receptors. For example, risk/reward decision making is modulated differentially by …
Fundamental contribution by the basolateral amygdala to different forms of decision making
Impairments in decision making about risks and rewards have been observed in patients
with amygdala damage. Similarly, lesions of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in rodents …
with amygdala damage. Similarly, lesions of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in rodents …