[Књига][B] Introduction to modern cryptography: principles and protocols
Cryptography plays a key role in ensuring the privacy and integrity of data and the security of
computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible …
computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible …
[Књига][B] The algorithm design manual
SS Skiena - 2008 - Springer
This newly expanded and updated second edition of the best-selling classic continues to
take the" mystery" out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficacy and efficiency …
take the" mystery" out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficacy and efficiency …
[Књига][B] An introduction to cryptography
An Introduction to Cryptography | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement Springer
Nature Link Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart 1.Home …
Nature Link Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart 1.Home …
[Књига][B] Complexity theory: exploring the limits of efficient algorithms
I Wegener - 2005 - books.google.com
Complexity theory is the theory of determining the necessary resources for the solution of
algorithmic problems and, therefore, the limits of what is possible with the available …
algorithmic problems and, therefore, the limits of what is possible with the available …
Texts in Theoretical Computer Science An EATCS Series
A Board, GAMBCS Calude, ACDHJ Hartmanis… - 2005 - Springer
This book is an accessible introduction to complexity theory and cryptology, two closely
related areas in theoretical computer science. Based on courses taught at Heinrich-Heine …
related areas in theoretical computer science. Based on courses taught at Heinrich-Heine …
[Књига][B] A course in mathematical cryptography
G Baumslag, B Fine, M Kreuzer, G Rosenberger - 2015 - books.google.com
Cryptography has become essential as bank transactions, credit card infor-mation, contracts,
and sensitive medical information are sent through inse-cure channels. This book is …
and sensitive medical information are sent through inse-cure channels. This book is …
[Књига][B] Algorithm Engineering
M Müller-Hannemann, S Schirra - 2001 - Springer
The systematic development of efficient algorithms has become a key technology for all
kinds of ambitious and innovative computer applications. With major parts of algorithmic …
kinds of ambitious and innovative computer applications. With major parts of algorithmic …
[Књига][B] Computability theory: an introduction to recursion theory
HB Enderton - 2010 - books.google.com
Computability Theory: An Introduction to Recursion Theory provides a concise,
comprehensive, and authoritative introduction to contemporary computability theory …
comprehensive, and authoritative introduction to contemporary computability theory …
[Књига][B] Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik
G Vossen, KU Witt - 2016 - Springer
Wir versuchen hier also nicht, einen aktuellen Abriss der neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem
Gebiet der Theoretischen Informatik zu geben, sondern wir versuchen, ihren Gebrauch und …
Gebiet der Theoretischen Informatik zu geben, sondern wir versuchen, ihren Gebrauch und …
Perceptual video hashing based on temporal wavelet transform and random projections with application to indexing and retrieval of near-identical videos
S Rameshnath, PK Bora - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019 - Springer
A perceptual video hash function extracts a short fixed-length bit string called a perceptual
hash on the basis of the visual contents of the video. Such a function should be robust to the …
hash on the basis of the visual contents of the video. Such a function should be robust to the …