G-protein–coupled receptors in heart disease
GPCRs (G-protein [guanine nucleotide-binding protein]–coupled receptors) play a central
physiological role in the regulation of cardiac function in both health and disease and thus …
physiological role in the regulation of cardiac function in both health and disease and thus …
Molecular distinction between physiological and pathological cardiac hypertrophy: experimental findings and therapeutic strategies
Cardiac hypertrophy can be defined as an increase in heart mass. Pathological cardiac
hypertrophy (heart growth that occurs in settings of disease, eg hypertension) is a key risk …
hypertrophy (heart growth that occurs in settings of disease, eg hypertension) is a key risk …
Edema formation in congestive heart failure and the underlying mechanisms
Congestive heart failure (HF) is a complex disease state characterized by impaired
ventricular function and insufficient peripheral blood supply. The resultant reduced blood …
ventricular function and insufficient peripheral blood supply. The resultant reduced blood …
Flavonols and cardiovascular disease
Flavonols, and specially quercetin, are widely distributed in plants and are present in
considerable amounts in fruits and vegetables. In addition to their anti-oxidant effect …
considerable amounts in fruits and vegetables. In addition to their anti-oxidant effect …
Diabetic cardiomyopathy: understanding the molecular and cellular basis to progress in diagnosis and treatment
Diabetes mellitus is an important and prevalent risk factor for congestive heart failure.
Diabetic cardiomyopathy has been defined as ventricular dysfunction that occurs in diabetic …
Diabetic cardiomyopathy has been defined as ventricular dysfunction that occurs in diabetic …
Regulation of blood pressure and salt homeostasis by endothelin
DE Kohan, NF Rossi, EW Inscho… - Physiological …, 2011 - journals.physiology.org
Endothelin (ET) peptides and their receptors are intimately involved in the physiological
control of systemic blood pressure and body Na homeostasis, exerting these effects through …
control of systemic blood pressure and body Na homeostasis, exerting these effects through …
Diabetic cardiomyopathy: molecular mechanisms, detrimental effects of conventional treatment, and beneficial effects of natural therapy
Diabetic complications are among the largely exigent health problems currently.
Cardiovascular complications, including diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), account for more …
Cardiovascular complications, including diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), account for more …
Protective effects of medicinal plant against diabetes induced cardiac disorder: A review
Ethnopharmacology relevance Nowadays, there is an increase in global tendency to use
medicinal plants as preventive and therapeutic agents to manage diabetes and its long-term …
medicinal plants as preventive and therapeutic agents to manage diabetes and its long-term …
Endothelial function and cardiovascular disease: effects of quercetin and wine polyphenols
Endothelial dysfunction is an early pathophysiological feature and independent predictor of
poor prognosis in most forms of cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiological studies report an …
poor prognosis in most forms of cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiological studies report an …
[KNJIGA][B] Infections of the central nervous system
MW Scheld, RJ Whitley, CM Marra - 2014 - books.google.com
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