Investigation of mixture-based dusty hybrid nanofluid flow in porous media affected by magnetic field using RBF method
In this study, we examined the motion and temperature distribution of a hybrid nanofluid, in
which Ethylene glycol-water is the base fluid and TiO2 and MoS2 are nanoparticles in the …
which Ethylene glycol-water is the base fluid and TiO2 and MoS2 are nanoparticles in the …
[HTML][HTML] Insight into dynamic of mono and hybrid nanofluids subject to binary chemical reaction, activation energy, and magnetic field through the porous surfaces
The mathematical modeling of the activation energy and binary chemical reaction system
with six distinct types of nanoparticles, along with the magnetohydrodynamic effect, is …
with six distinct types of nanoparticles, along with the magnetohydrodynamic effect, is …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of heat transfer of mono and hybrid nanofluid flow between two parallel plates in a Darcy porous medium with thermal radiation and heat generation …
In the last two decades, academicians have concentrated on the nanofluid squeezing flow
between parallel plates. The increasing energy demands and their applications have seen …
between parallel plates. The increasing energy demands and their applications have seen …
MHD flow and heat transfer of a hybrid nanofluid past a nonlinear surface stretching/shrinking with effects of thermal radiation and suction
The essence of this study is to explore the nonlinearly stretching/shrinking hybrid nanofluid
in terms of its steady flow and heat transfer with the effects of magnetohydrodynamics …
in terms of its steady flow and heat transfer with the effects of magnetohydrodynamics …
A review on application of nanoparticles in cEOR: Performance, mechanisms, and influencing parameters
Various chemical additives used in chemical enhanced oil recovery (cEOR) boost
hydrocarbon recovery due to their incredible potential for changing critical reservoir …
hydrocarbon recovery due to their incredible potential for changing critical reservoir …
Heat and mass transfer of Ag–H2O nano-thin film flowing over a porous medium: A modified Buongiorno's model
Due to their numerous applications, such as fibre and wire coating, polymer preparation,
etc., thin films have recently come into focus in the analysis of heat and mass transport. As a …
etc., thin films have recently come into focus in the analysis of heat and mass transport. As a …
Entropy generation due to nanofluid flow in porous media over radiative permeable exponentially surface with nanoparticle aggregation effect
In recent years, energy scarcity has emerged as a serious problem for manufacturing since
most of the power produced is lost as heat during transportation. Due to the irreversible …
most of the power produced is lost as heat during transportation. Due to the irreversible …
[HTML][HTML] MHD opposing flow of Cu− TiO2 hybrid nanofluid under an exponentially stretching/shrinking surface embedded in porous media with heat source and slip …
In the realm of fluid mechanics, the flow of a hybrid nanofluid under an exponentially
stretching/shrinking surface has been extensively investigated by researchers due to its …
stretching/shrinking surface has been extensively investigated by researchers due to its …
Stability analysis of mixed convection in a porous horizontal channel filled with a Newtonian Al2O3/Water nanofluid in presence of magnetic field and thermal radiation
CGN Ketchate, PT Kapen, D Fokwa… - Chinese Journal of Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper investigates a stability analysis of mixed convection of A l 2 O 3/W ater nanofluid
in a horizontal porous channel heated from below and cooled from above. Certain effects …
in a horizontal porous channel heated from below and cooled from above. Certain effects …
Ohmically dissipated MHD mixed convective flow of Williamson fluid over a penetrable stretching convective wedge with thermal radiations
The main objective of this study is to discuss the radiative mixed convective involving
Williamson fluid over shrinking/static/stretching wedge. The convective wedge is considered …
Williamson fluid over shrinking/static/stretching wedge. The convective wedge is considered …