Carbohydrates and insulin resistance in clinical nutrition: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert group
Growing evidence underscores the important role of glycemic control in health and recovery
from illness. Carbohydrate ingestion in the diet or administration in nutritional support is …
from illness. Carbohydrate ingestion in the diet or administration in nutritional support is …
Divergent sepsis pathophysiology in older adults
MS Kingren, ME Starr, H Saito - Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2021 -
Significance: Both incidence and mortality rates of sepsis significantly increase with
advanced age, and the majority of sepsis patients are late middle-aged or older. With the …
advanced age, and the majority of sepsis patients are late middle-aged or older. With the …
Association of blood glucose level and glycemic variability with mortality in sepsis patients during ICU hospitalization
Z Lu, G Tao, X Sun, Y Zhang, M Jiang, Y Liu… - Frontiers in public …, 2022 -
Background There was considerable debate regarding the effect of mean blood glucose
(MBG) and glycemic variability (GV) on the mortality of septic patients. This retrospective …
(MBG) and glycemic variability (GV) on the mortality of septic patients. This retrospective …
Higher glycemic variability within the first day of ICU admission is associated with increased 30-day mortality in ICU patients with sepsis
WC Chao, CH Tseng, CL Wu, SJ Shih, CY Yi… - Annals of intensive …, 2020 - Springer
Background High glycemic variability (GV) is common in critically ill patients; however, the
prevalence and mortality association with early GV in patients with sepsis remains unclear …
prevalence and mortality association with early GV in patients with sepsis remains unclear …
[HTML][HTML] Protective effect of piplartine against LPS-induced sepsis through attenuating the MAPKs/NF-κB signaling pathway and NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Piplartine (or Piperlongumine) is a natural alkaloid isolated from Piper longum L., which has
been proposed to exhibit various biological properties such as anti-inflammatory effects; …
been proposed to exhibit various biological properties such as anti-inflammatory effects; …
Degree of hyperglycemia independently associates with hospital mortality and length of stay in critically ill, nondiabetic patients: results from the ANZICS CORE …
M Mamtani, H Kulkarni, S Bihari, S Prakash… - Journal of critical …, 2020 - Elsevier
Purpose Hyperglycemia (HG) in critically ill patients influences clinical outcomes and
hospitalization costs. We aimed to describe association of HG with hospital mortality and …
hospitalization costs. We aimed to describe association of HG with hospital mortality and …
Blood glucose levels and mortality in patients with sepsis: dose–response analysis of observational studies
W Wang, W Chen, Y Liu, L Li, S Li… - Journal of Intensive …, 2021 -
Background: We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the
relationship between blood glucose levels and mortality in patients with sepsis. Methods …
relationship between blood glucose levels and mortality in patients with sepsis. Methods …
Relationship between time-weighted average glucose and mortality in critically ill patients: a retrospective analysis of the MIMIC-IV database
M Feng, J Zhou - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Blood glucose management in intensive care units (ICU) remains a controversial topic. We
assessed the association between time-weighted average glucose (TWAG) levels and ICU …
assessed the association between time-weighted average glucose (TWAG) levels and ICU …
Early glycemia and mortality in critically ill septic patients: Interaction with insulin-treated diabetes
Purpose To investigate the relationship between dysglycemia and hospital mortality in
patients with and without a preadmission diagnosis of insulin treated diabetes mellitus …
patients with and without a preadmission diagnosis of insulin treated diabetes mellitus …
Don't sugar coat it: glycemic control in the intensive care unit
K Stoudt, S Chawla - Journal of intensive care medicine, 2019 -
Stress hyperglycemia is the transient increase in blood glucose as a result of complex
hormonal changes that occur during critical illness. It has been described in the critically ill …
hormonal changes that occur during critical illness. It has been described in the critically ill …