Playing with AI to Investigate Human‐Computer Interaction Technology and Improving Critical Thinking Skills to Pursue 21st Century Age
As part of the human‐computer interaction (HCI) that artificial intelligence has, it has a
specific effect on develo** critical thinking skills, which is what this study is looking at. The …
specific effect on develo** critical thinking skills, which is what this study is looking at. The …
Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) for ESL learners: A review of affordances and constraints
Nowadays, mobile technology is changing the landscape of language learning and is seen
as the next frontier being researched for its potential in enhancing the teaching and learning …
as the next frontier being researched for its potential in enhancing the teaching and learning …
A two-tier test approach to develo** location-aware mobile learning systems for natural science courses
The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has enabled students to learn in an
environment that combines learning resources from both the real world and the digital world …
environment that combines learning resources from both the real world and the digital world …
RFID-plants in the smart city: Applications and outlook for urban green management
A city may become smart and green through strategic deployment of Information and
Communication Technology infrastructure and services to achieve sustainability policy …
Communication Technology infrastructure and services to achieve sustainability policy …
Abductive science inquiry using mobile devices in the classroom
Recent advancements in digital technology have attracted the interest of educators and
researchers to develop technology-assisted inquiry-based learning environments in the …
researchers to develop technology-assisted inquiry-based learning environments in the …
1: 1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary science students: A study of learning effectiveness
This paper presents the findings of a research project in which we transformed a primary
(grade) 3 science curriculum for delivery via mobile technologies, and a teacher enacted the …
(grade) 3 science curriculum for delivery via mobile technologies, and a teacher enacted the …
Support for augmented reality simulation systems: The effects of scaffolding on learning outcomes and behavior patterns
An AR-based simulation system that integrates background knowledge and experimental
support (AR-SaBEr) was designed as a learning tool for teaching basic principles of …
support (AR-SaBEr) was designed as a learning tool for teaching basic principles of …
[CARTE][B] Seamless learning in the age of mobile connectivity
Since the beginning of the last decade, the proliferation of mobile and ubiquitous
technologies has opened up new opportunities for develo** novel technologyenhanced …
technologies has opened up new opportunities for develo** novel technologyenhanced …
Edmodo-based blended learning model as an alternative of science learning to motivate and improve junior high school students' scientific critical thinking skills
This study aims to analyze students' scientific critical thinking skills through learning with
edmodo-based blended learning models. This study is Pre-Experimental using one group …
edmodo-based blended learning models. This study is Pre-Experimental using one group …
Develo** a smart classroom infrastructure to support real-time student collaboration and inquiry: a 4-year design study
K-12 classroom settings are not yet incorporating emerging technologies such as ubiquitous
computing, augmented reality, nor even touch surfaces, despite the significant impact that …
computing, augmented reality, nor even touch surfaces, despite the significant impact that …