Soil carbon sequestration–An interplay between soil microbial community and soil organic matter dynamics

SS Bhattacharyya, GH Ros, K Furtak, HMN Iqbal… - Science of the Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Soil carbon sequestration (SCS) refers to the uptake of carbon (C) containing substances
from the atmosphere and its storage in soil C pools. Soil microbial community (SMC) play a …

Going back to the roots: the microbial ecology of the rhizosphere

L Philippot, JM Raaijmakers, P Lemanceau… - Nature reviews …, 2013 -
The rhizosphere is the interface between plant roots and soil where interactions among a
myriad of microorganisms and invertebrates affect biogeochemical cycling, plant growth and …

Wheat rhizosphere harbors a less complex and more stable microbial co-occurrence pattern than bulk soil

K Fan, P Weisenhorn, JA Gilbert, H Chu - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018 - Elsevier
The rhizosphere harbors complex microbial communities, whose dynamic associations are
considered critical for plant growth and health but remain poorly understood. We constructed …

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and root system functioning

J Vacheron, G Desbrosses, ML Bouffaud… - Frontiers in plant …, 2013 -
The rhizosphere supports the development and activity of a huge and diversified microbial
community, including microorganisms capable to promote plant growth. Among the latter …

The impact of crop rotation on soil microbial diversity: A meta-analysis

ZS Venter, K Jacobs, HJ Hawkins - Pedobiologia, 2016 - Elsevier
Agricultural intensification can involve the simplification of agroecosystems to crop
monocultures while the practices of crop rotation, intercrop** and companion planting …

The rhizosphere microbiome and plant health

RL Berendsen, CMJ Pieterse, PAHM Bakker - Trends in plant science, 2012 -
The diversity of microbes associated with plant roots is enormous, in the order of tens of
thousands of species. This complex plant-associated microbial community, also referred to …

[PDF][PDF] Unraveling the plant microbiome: looking back and future perspectives

G Berg, M Grube, M Schloter, K Smalla - Frontiers in microbiology, 2014 -
Most eukaryotes develop close interactions with microorganisms that are essential for their
performance and survival. Thus, eukaryotes and prokaryotes in nature can be considered as …

Rhizosphere microbiome modulators: contributions of nitrogen fixing bacteria towards sustainable agriculture

NO Igiehon, OO Babalola - … journal of environmental research and public …, 2018 -
Rhizosphere microbiome which has been shown to enhance plant growth and yield are
modulated or influenced by a few environmental factors such as soil type, plant cultivar …

Roots sha** their microbiome: global hotspots for microbial activity

B Reinhold-Hurek, W Bünger… - Annual review of …, 2015 -
Land plants interact with microbes primarily at roots. Despite the importance of root microbial
communities for health and nutrient uptake, the current understanding of the complex plant …

Long-term continuous crop** of soybean is comparable to crop rotation in mediating microbial abundance, diversity and community composition

Z Liu, J Liu, Z Yu, Q Yao, Y Li, A Liang, W Zhang… - Soil and Tillage …, 2020 - Elsevier
Continuous crop** of soybean causes soil degradation and soybean yield decline, but
these effects could be alleviated by crop rotation or the use of long-term continuously …