Plasticity and habitat choice match colour to function in an ambush bug
Individuals aim to maximize their fitness by matching their own phenotype to the optimum
phenotype in their environment. Individuals can achieve matching through several …
phenotype in their environment. Individuals can achieve matching through several …
Colour dimorphism in labrid fishes as an adaptation to life on coral reefs
Conspicuous coloration displayed by animals that express sexual colour dimorphism is
generally explained as an adaptation to sexual selection, yet the interactions and relative …
generally explained as an adaptation to sexual selection, yet the interactions and relative …
Frequent misdirected courtship in a natural community of colorful Habronattus jum** spiders
Male courtship display is common in many animals; in some cases, males engage in
courtship indiscriminately, spending significant time and energy courting heterospecifics …
courtship indiscriminately, spending significant time and energy courting heterospecifics …
Ontogenetic colour change of a sexual ornament in males of a damselfly: female mimicry, crypsis or both?
Female mimicry by males is a widespread phenomenon in several taxa and may be
involved in aggression avoidance or facilitated access to resources. In early developmental …
involved in aggression avoidance or facilitated access to resources. In early developmental …
Behavioral threat and appeasement signals take precedence over static colors in lizard contests
The interplay between morphological (structures) and behavioral (acts) signals in contest
assessment is still poorly understood. During contests, males of the common wall lizard …
assessment is still poorly understood. During contests, males of the common wall lizard …
Lack of neophobic responses to color in a jum** spider that uses color cues when foraging (Habronattus pyrrithrix)
Chemically defended prey often advertise their toxins with bright and conspicuous colors. To
understand why such colors are effective at reducing predation, we need to understand the …
understand why such colors are effective at reducing predation, we need to understand the …
Exoskeleton ageing and its relation to longevity and fecundity in female Australian leaf insects (Phyllium monteithi)
Senescence is a decline in reproduction and survival rate with advancing age resulting from
deterioration of somatic tissues and systems throughout the body. Age-related somatic …
deterioration of somatic tissues and systems throughout the body. Age-related somatic …
Sexually dimorphic dorsal coloration in a jum** spider: testing a potential case of sex-specific mimicry
To avoid predation, many animals mimic behaviours and/or coloration of dangerous prey.
Here we examine potential sex-specific mimicry in the jum** spider Habronattus pyrrithrix …
Here we examine potential sex-specific mimicry in the jum** spider Habronattus pyrrithrix …
Juvenile-juvenile social signalling: a case for precocial sexual selection in the collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris (Squamata: Crotaphytidae)?
SF Fox, FDJ Rodríguez-Romero… - Biological Journal of the …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Sexual selection is widespread in animals, but quite naturally studied in adults. Juvenile
males in most animals are not differentiated from females and coloration is usually drab …
males in most animals are not differentiated from females and coloration is usually drab …
Feather morphological predictors of angle-dependent color changes in parrot plumage
Among the most ornate animal traits in nature are the angle-dependent (eg iridescent)
structural colors of many fishes, damselflies, birds, beetles, and butterflies. Though we now …
structural colors of many fishes, damselflies, birds, beetles, and butterflies. Though we now …