A systematic review on evaluation strategies for field assessment of upper-body industrial exoskeletons: Current practices and future trends
With rising manual work demands, physical assistance at the workplace is crucial, wherein
the use of industrial exoskeletons (i-EXOs) could be advantageous. However, outcomes of …
the use of industrial exoskeletons (i-EXOs) could be advantageous. However, outcomes of …
[HTML][HTML] Wearables for biomechanical performance optimization and risk assessment in industrial and sports applications
S McDevitt, H Hernandez, J Hicks, R Lowell… - Bioengineering, 2022 - mdpi.com
Wearable technologies are emerging as a useful tool with many different applications. While
these devices are worn on the human body and can capture numerous data types, this …
these devices are worn on the human body and can capture numerous data types, this …
Soft wearable flexible bioelectronics integrated with an ankle-foot exoskeleton for estimation of metabolic costs and physical effort
Activities and physical effort have been commonly estimated using a metabolic rate through
indirect calorimetry to capture breath information. The physical effort represents the work …
indirect calorimetry to capture breath information. The physical effort represents the work …
Optimal design of active-passive shoulder exoskeletons: A computational modeling of human-robot interaction
Exoskeleton robots, which range from fully passive to fully active-assisted movements, have
become an essential instrument for assisting industrial employees and stroke rehabilitation …
become an essential instrument for assisting industrial employees and stroke rehabilitation …
A systematic review on Lower-Limb Industrial exoskeletons: evaluation methods, evidence, and future directions
Industrial tasks that involve frequent sitting/standing transitions and squatting activities can
benefit from lower-limb industrial exoskeletons; however, their use is not as widespread as …
benefit from lower-limb industrial exoskeletons; however, their use is not as widespread as …
Reducing squat physical effort using personalized assistance from an ankle exoskeleton
Exoskeletons can assist humans during squatting and the assistance has the potential to
reduce the physical demands. Although several squat assistance methods are available, the …
reduce the physical demands. Although several squat assistance methods are available, the …
Challenges and solutions for application and wider adoption of wearable robots
The science and technology of wearable robots are steadily advancing, and the use of such
robots in our everyday life appears to be within reach. Nevertheless, widespread adoption of …
robots in our everyday life appears to be within reach. Nevertheless, widespread adoption of …
[HTML][HTML] A novel lightweight wearable soft exosuit for reducing the metabolic rate and muscle fatigue
Wearable robotic devices have been proved to considerably reduce the energy expenditure
of human walking. It is not only suitable for healthy people, but also for some patients who …
of human walking. It is not only suitable for healthy people, but also for some patients who …
Muscle coordination and recruitment during squat assistance using a robotic ankle–foot exoskeleton
Squatting is an intensive activity routinely performed in the workplace to lift and lower loads.
The effort to perform a squat can decrease using an exoskeleton that considers individual …
The effort to perform a squat can decrease using an exoskeleton that considers individual …
Innovative technologies for occupational health and safety: a sco** review
Technological advancements have allowed for the design and development of multiple
intelligent devices that monitor the health and safety status of workers in the industry in …
intelligent devices that monitor the health and safety status of workers in the industry in …