A Fast Numerical Procedure to Design the Shaftline Struts

S Bozzo, D Villa - HSMV 2023, 2023 - ebooks.iospress.nl
The “design spiral” of a new ship consists of various milestones, one of them dealing with
resistance prediction of the fully appended hull and with the proper placement of …

Prediction of Manoeuvring Characteristics in the Concept Design of a Destroyer

L Ambrosino, L Braidotti, S Bertagna - HSMV 2023, 2023 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Manoeuvring is one of the fundamental qualities of the ship. It has a direct impact on the
operability of the unit and therefore on the shipowner's perception of quality. Furthermore …

[PDF][PDF] Safety analyses for bulk carriers using metamodels of still water loads

P Georgiev - Advances in Marine Structures, 2011 - researchgate.net
This paper presents an approach that combines metamodeling technique and Monte-Carlo
simulation for safety analyses of still water loads for bulk carriers. The approach is applied to …

Multiobjective Approach for Solving Engineering Robust Design Problems

L Kirilov, P Georgiev - … Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 13th Annual …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract An approach for Engineering Robust Design Problems based on multi-objective
optimization in the solution phase is presented in this paper. The task for optimizing …

[PDF][PDF] Probabilistic presentation of the bending moments of bulk carriers using metamodels

P Georgiev - Tenth International Conference on Marine Sciences …, 2010 - researchgate.net
The total amount of loaded cargo for bulk carriers is obtained after the final draught survey.
Despite the presence of approved loading plan and loading sequences, no accurate and …

Análisis de la estabilidad del buque en estado de avería mediante el uso de metamodelos

ML Muras Casas - 2016 - ruc.udc.es
El hundimiento en 1956 del buque Andrea Doria, abrió un debate dentro del mundo
marítimo. Se planteó si, para alcanzar niveles de seguridad aceptables en los buques de …


P Georgiev, L Naydenov - researchgate.net
The harmonized SOLAS 2009 regulations on damage stability and subdivision are based on
a probabilistic concept that uses the probability of survival as a measure of ships' safety in a …

[CITATA][C] Ship design, decades of development

T Damyanliev, P Georgiev - 2018