[PDF][PDF] Advanced 3D laser microscopy for measurements and analysis of vitrified bonded abrasive tools

W Kaplonek, K Nadolny - Journal of Engineering Science & …, 2012 - jestec.taylors.edu.my
In many applications, when a precise non-contact assessment of an abrasive tools' surface
is required, alternative measurement methods are often used. Their use offers numerous …

Near-perfect replication on amorphous alloys through active force modulation based on machine learning/neural network parameter prediction

S Meng, Z Wang, R Zhu, R Liu, J Ma, L Hu… - Science China Physics …, 2025 - Springer
As a microforming technique, micro/nano-structural replication possesses advantages of
high precision and efficiency. With the remarkable superplasticity in the supercooled liquid …

[HTML][HTML] Label-free single cell viability assay using laser interference microscopy

Y Beloglazova, A Nikitiuk, A Voronina, O Gagarskikh… - Biology, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Currently, only a few label-free methods for cell viability assessment are
described in the literature. This paper covers a new label-free method based on the laser …

Effect of electrochemical micromachining process parameters on surface roughness and dimensional deviation of Ti6Al4V by tungsten electrode

VR Perla, SK Suraparaju, KJ RathanRaj… - Recent Advances in …, 2020 - Springer
The electrochemical micromachining (ECMM) is a special form of conventional ECM
process in which the tool electrode is at micro-level used to produce micro-features. This …

[PDF][PDF] Лазерная интерференционная микроскопия для нанобиотехнологий

ПС Игнатьев, КВ Индукаев, ПА Осипов… - Медицинская …, 2013 - mtjournal.ru
Аннотация Разработано новое поколение лазерных интерференционных микроскопов
МИМ, предназначенных для измерения геометриа ческих параметров трехмерного …

Investigation into micro and nano scale optical metrology for shiny surfaces and difficult to access aircraft engine components

A Haridas - 2019 - dr.ntu.edu.sg
Industrial production has always been driven by global competition and the need for efficient
market adaptation. A strategic initiative termed as Industry 4.0 was recently introduced to …

[PDF][PDF] Asian Journal of Physics

A Haridas, MV Matham - asianjournalofphysics.com
Industrial production has always been driven by global competition and the need for efficient
market adaptation. A strategic initiative termed Industry 4.0 was recently introduced to cater …

Micro and nano scale optical metrology for shiny surfaces and difficult to access aircraft engine components–A review

A Haridas, MV Matham - asianjournalofphysics.com
Industrial production has always been driven by global competition and the need for efficient
market adaptation. A strategic initiative termed Industry 4.0 was recently introduced to cater …

[PDF][PDF] Calibration of a White-Light Interferometer with a use of material measures recommended by ISO 25178 series: Reliability and Uncertainty

M Wiśniewska, S Żebrowska-Łucyk - Proc. XXI IMEKO World Congress, 2015 - imeko.info
Abstract− There is a discrepancy between rapid pace of introducing more and more
sophisticated white-light interferometers and a tardy tempo of develo** proper calibration …

Badania porównawcze chropowatości powierzchni gładkich za pomocą skaterometrii, interferometrii i mikroskopii sił atomowych

R Synak, M Pawełczak, W Lipiński… - Elektronika …, 2013 - repo.bg.wat.edu.pl
Instruments destined for testing smooth surface parameters, based on the following
principles: scatterometry (TIS), white light interferometry and atomic force microscopy have …