On some open problems in planar differential systems and Hilbert's 16th problem

J Giné - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2007 - Elsevier
This review paper contains a brief summary of topics and concepts related with some open
problems of planar differential systems. Most of them are related with 16th Hilbert problem …

A survey of isochronous centers

J Chavarriga, M Sabatini - Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, 1999 - Springer
Св и з зйжк н л к в гк жк л г и ж зйаиз г и в в и зий н г зг жгвгйз ви жз г к игж Ќ а з в и да в К
Ь з д д ж гвз зиз г илг д жизК Св и Ќжзи гв Дз и гвз Оп ЕИ л ж к л згб в ж а и в ей з и и джгк …

[КНИГА][B] Integrability of dynamical systems: algebra and analysis

X Zhang - 2017 - Springer
The theory of integrability plays an important role in the study of the dynamics of differential
systems. This theory is related to several branches of mathematics, such as algebraic …

[HTML][HTML] Darboux integrability and the inverse integrating factor

J Chavarriga, H Giacomini, J Giné, J Llibre - Journal of Differential …, 2003 - Elsevier
We mainly study polynomial differential systems of the form dx/dt= P (x, y), dy/dt= Q (x, y),
where P and Q are complex polynomials in the dependent complex variables x and y, and …

Algebraic aspects of integrability for polynomial systems

C Christopher, J Llibre - Qualitative theory of dynamical …, 1999 - portalrecerca.uab.cat
Algebraic aspects of integrability for polynomial systems — Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona Research Portal Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content …

Inverse Jacobi multipliers

LR Berrone, H Giacomini - Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 2003 - Springer
Inverse Jacobi multipliers are a natural generalization of inverse integrating factors to n-
dimensional dynamical systems. In this paper, the corresponding theory is developed from …

A survey on the inverse integrating factor

IA García, M Grau - Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2010 - Springer
The relation between limit cycles of planar differential systems and the inverse integrating
factor was first shown in an article of Giacomini, Llibre and Viano appeared in 1996. From …

Local first integrals of differential systems and diffeomorphisms

W Li, J Llibre, X Zhang - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik …, 2003 - Springer
In this paper using theory of linear operators and normal forms we generalize a result of
Poincaré [11] about the non-existence of local first integrals for systems of differential …

The reversibility and the center problem

J Giné, S Maza - Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
In this work we study the narrow relation between reversibility and the center problem and
also between reversibility and the integrability problem. It is well known that an analytic …

Integrability conditions for Lotka–Volterra planar complex quintic systems

J Giné, VG Romanovski - Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2010 - Elsevier
In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient integrability conditions at the origin for the
Lotka–Volterra complex quintic systems which are linear systems perturbed by fifth degree …