Green's function of a finite chain and the discrete Fourier transform

S Cojocaru - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2006 - World Scientific
Unlike the Fourier series expansion, the discrete Fourier transform is defined on a finite
basis set of harmonic functions. The first approach is widely used in condensed matter to …

Low-temperature properties of ferromagnetic spin chains in a magnetic field

CP Hofmann - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2013 - APS
The thermodynamic properties of ferromagnetic spin chains have been analyzed with a
variety of microscopic methods over the years: Bethe ansatz, spin-wave theory, Schwinger …

Spin excitations on finite lattices and the discrete Fourier transform

S Cojocaru, V Bârsan, A Ceulemans - Journal of magnetism and magnetic …, 2006 - Elsevier
The method of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is applied to obtain the exact one-or bi-
magnonic states in several finite one-dimensional spin systems. The advantage of DFT …

Magnon excitations in a mesoscopic Heisenberg ferromagnet

S Cojocaru, A Ceulemans - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
We report on a qualitative change of the character of interacting magnon excitations in a
ferromagnet due to finite size. Within an improved continuum approach excitation modes are …

Thermodynamics of ferromagnetic spin chains in a magnetic field: Impact of the spin–wave interaction

CP Hofmann - Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2014 - Elsevier
The thermodynamic properties of ferromagnetic spin chains have been the subject of many
publications. Still, the problem of how the spin–wave interaction manifest itself in these low …

Exact solution for spin-orbiton excitations on a ferromagnetically ordered finite chain

S Cojocaru, A Ceulemans - Physical Review B, 2003 - APS
The finite chain of singly occupied twofold degenerate orbital sites with Hund's rule coupling
is considered. The equation of motion for the combined spin and orbital excitation is solved …

Excitations and ergodicity of critical quantum spin chains from non-equilibrium classical dynamics

S Vinet, G Longpre, W Witczak-Krempa - SciPost Physics Core, 2022 -
We study a quantum spin-1/2 chain that is dual to the canonical problem of non-equilibrium
Kawasaki dynamics of a classical Ising chain coupled to a thermal bath. The Hamiltonian is …

Exact solution of the discrete Schrödinger equation for ferromagnetic chains

S Cojocaru, V Bârsan, A Ceulemans - Philosophical Magazine, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
It is shown that Bethe's exact solution for the finite Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain can be
obtained via a direct Fourier transform. Unlike the Bethe ansatz approach, the latter is not …

Stationary and dynamical aspects of two-magnon states in disordered ferromagnetic chains

EM Nascimento, F de Moura, ML Lyra - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2005 - APS
We study the nature of collective two-spin excitations in disordered S= 1∕ 2 ferromagnetic
chains. Using a direct diagonalization scheme, we characterize the two-magnon eigenstates …

Dynamique et ergodicité des chaînes de spins quantiques critiques de Fredkin et Ising–Kawasaki

G Longpré - 2022 -
Ce mémoire est composé de deux articles portant respectivement sur les chaînes de spin–
1/2 critiques quantiques d'Ising–Kawasaki et de Fredkin. La première chaîne provient d'une …