INVITED REVIEW: Molecular analysis of predation: a review of best practice for DNA‐based approaches
Molecular analysis of predation, through polymerase chain reaction amplification of prey
remains within the faeces or digestive systems of predators, is a rapidly growing field …
remains within the faeces or digestive systems of predators, is a rapidly growing field …
Ancient rapid radiations of insects: challenges for phylogenetic analysis
Phylogenies of major groups of insects based on both morphological and molecular data
have sometimes been contentious, often lacking the data to distinguish between alternative …
have sometimes been contentious, often lacking the data to distinguish between alternative …
PartitionFinder: combined selection of partitioning schemes and substitution models for phylogenetic analyses
In phylogenetic analyses of molecular sequence data, partitioning involves estimating
independent models of molecular evolution for different sets of sites in a sequence …
independent models of molecular evolution for different sets of sites in a sequence …
How to sequence and annotate insect mitochondrial genomes for systematic and comparative genomics research
S Cameron - Systematic Entomology, 2014 -
Over the past decade the mitochondrial (mt) genome has become the most widely used
genomic resource available for systematic entomology. While the availability of other types …
genomic resource available for systematic entomology. While the availability of other types …
The influence of rate heterogeneity among sites on the time dependence of molecular rates
Molecular evolutionary rate estimates have been shown to depend on the time period over
which they are estimated. Factors such as demographic processes, calibration errors …
which they are estimated. Factors such as demographic processes, calibration errors …
Mitochondrial phylogenomics illuminates the evolutionary history of Neuropterida
Neuroptera (lacewings) and allied orders Megaloptera (dobsonflies, alderflies) and
Raphidioptera (snakeflies) are predatory insects and together make up the clade …
Raphidioptera (snakeflies) are predatory insects and together make up the clade …
Enhanced primers for amplification of DNA barcodes from a broad range of marine metazoans
Background Building reference libraries of DNA barcodes is relatively straightforward when
specifically designed primers are available to amplify the COI-5P region from a relatively …
specifically designed primers are available to amplify the COI-5P region from a relatively …
The complete mitochondrial genome of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta,(Insecta: Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), and an examination of mitochondrial gene …
SL Cameron, MF Whiting - Gene, 2008 - Elsevier
The entire mitochondrial genome of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera:
S**hidae) was sequenced—a circular molecular 15516 bp in size. The arrangement of …
S**hidae) was sequenced—a circular molecular 15516 bp in size. The arrangement of …
An integrated phylogenetic reassessment of the parasitoid superfamily Platygastroidea (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupomorpha) results in a revised familial classification
H Chen, Z Lahey, EJ Talamas, AA Valerio… - Systematic …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The superfamily Platygastroidea (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupomorpha) is a diverse
group of parasitoid wasps that are parasitoids of nine orders of insects as well as spiders …
group of parasitoid wasps that are parasitoids of nine orders of insects as well as spiders …
Reconstructing Mammalian Phylogenies: A Detailed Comparison of the Cytochrome b and Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Mitochondrial Genes
The phylogeny and taxonomy of mammalian species were originally based upon shared or
derived morphological characteristics. However, genetic analyses have more recently …
derived morphological characteristics. However, genetic analyses have more recently …