The Biological Records Centre: a pioneer of citizen science
People have been recording wildlife for centuries and the resulting datasets lead to
important scientific research. The Biological Records Centre (BRC), established in 1964, is a …
important scientific research. The Biological Records Centre (BRC), established in 1964, is a …
" Citizen science"? Rethinking science and public participation
B Strasser, J Baudry, D Mahr, G Sanchez, E Tancoigne - 2019 -
Since the late twentieth century,“citizen science” has become an increasingly fashionable
label for a growing number of participatory research activities. This paper situates the origins …
label for a growing number of participatory research activities. This paper situates the origins …
[کتاب][B] Ontopolitics in the Anthropocene: An introduction to map**, sensing and hacking
D Chandler - 2018 -
The Anthropocene captures more than a debate over how to address the problems of
climate change and global warming. Increasingly, it is seen to signify the end of the modern …
climate change and global warming. Increasingly, it is seen to signify the end of the modern …
A city in common: a framework to orchestrate large-scale citizen engagement around urban issues
Citizen sensing is an approach that develops and uses lightweight technologies with local
communities to collect, share and act upon data. In doing so it enables them to become …
communities to collect, share and act upon data. In doing so it enables them to become …
[کتاب][B] Collaborative society
D Jemielniak, A Przegalinska - 2020 -
How networked technology enables the emergence of a new collaborative society. Humans
are hard-wired for collaboration, and new technologies of communication act as a super …
are hard-wired for collaboration, and new technologies of communication act as a super …
Digitale Inklusion: Zur sozialen Öffnung des Wissenschaftssystems/digital inclusion: the social implications of open science
Zusammenfassung Aus dem Blickwinkel der Systemtheorie gilt die Wissenschaft
prototypisch als ein selbstreferentielles Funktionssystem, das eine soziale Distanz zur …
prototypisch als ein selbstreferentielles Funktionssystem, das eine soziale Distanz zur …
[HTML][HTML] Citizen science and Post-Normal Science's extended peer community: Identifying overlaps by map** typologies
At first sight, citizen science–the opening of scientific enterprise to a wider group of people,
many of whom are not professionally engaged in research institutions, seems to align well …
many of whom are not professionally engaged in research institutions, seems to align well …
Citizen sensing: An action-orientated framework for citizen science
S Coulson, M Woods… - Frontiers in Communication, 2021 -
Citizen Sensing, a correlative of Citizen Science, employs low-cost sensors to evidence
local environmental issues and empowers citizens to use the data they collect. Whilst …
local environmental issues and empowers citizens to use the data they collect. Whilst …
Hacking in the public interest: Authority, legitimacy, means, and ends
The cultural appropriation of ideas about hacking and opening knowledge have had
significant impact on ways of develo** participation in creating public interest knowledge …
significant impact on ways of develo** participation in creating public interest knowledge …
Securing the Anthropocene? International policy experiments in digital hacktivism: A case study of Jakarta
This article analyses security discourses that are beginning to self-consciously take on
board the shift towards the Anthropocene. It first sets out the develo** episteme of the …
board the shift towards the Anthropocene. It first sets out the develo** episteme of the …