[HTML][HTML] Representaciones sociales y comunicación: apuntes teóricos para un diálogo interdisciplinar inconcluso
El texto realiza una aproximación crítica al concepto de representaciones sociales y su valor
epistemológico para la comprensión de los procesos de interacción, en específico los de …
epistemológico para la comprensión de los procesos de interacción, en específico los de …
Young Russian adults' attitudes towards the potential use of robots in hotels
Robots are increasingly discussed in academic literature as well as the popular media since
they are becoming more usual in industry. The increased use of robots will meet with …
they are becoming more usual in industry. The increased use of robots will meet with …
Robotics in tourism and hospitality
This chapter provides a comprehensive review of robotics in tourism and hospitality,
including the technical foundations of robotics, synthesis of academic literature, and current …
including the technical foundations of robotics, synthesis of academic literature, and current …
Consumers' attitudes towards the introduction of robots in accommodation establishments
Sažetak Robots are increasingly discussed in academic literature as well as public
discourse because of their introduction into consumers' lives. The increased usage of robots …
discourse because of their introduction into consumers' lives. The increased usage of robots …
What do we expect from robots? Social representations, attitudes and evaluations of robots in daily life
To foresee the potential acceptance, rejection and adaptation of robots in societies, it is
necessary to overcome deterministic and linear assumptions and explore the plurality of …
necessary to overcome deterministic and linear assumptions and explore the plurality of …
Indian customers' acceptance of service robots in restaurant services
The present study attempts to develop and empirically test a theoretical model of service
robot use acceptance (SRUA) that intends to explain Indian customers' willingness to accept …
robot use acceptance (SRUA) that intends to explain Indian customers' willingness to accept …
[HTML][HTML] The role of expected benefits towards smart hotels in sha** customer behavior: comparison by age and gender
The present study attempted to provide foresight into the hotels of the future in response to
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, this research aimed to understand customers' …
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, this research aimed to understand customers' …
The dialogic evolution of ai-based products: a polyphonic analysis of temporal transformations
GZ Karimova - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Drawing inspiration from Michail Bakhtin's philosophy, this study introduces the
Polyphonic Model, grounded in the Bakhtinian principles of dialogue and polyphony. These …
Polyphonic Model, grounded in the Bakhtinian principles of dialogue and polyphony. These …
Social representations of sharks, perceived communality, and attitudinal and behavioral tendencies towards their conservation: An exploratory sequential mixed …
Sharks are crucial to the marine ecosystem, but they are critically declining. Their bad public
image explains, to some extent, the lesser concern for their conservation compared to other …
image explains, to some extent, the lesser concern for their conservation compared to other …
When robot appearance and service style interact to influence customers' willingness to pay: The mediating role of perceived restaurant quality
Incorporating robotics into the service industry fundamentally shifts how hospitality
businesses operate and interact with their customers. While there is a growing interest in …
businesses operate and interact with their customers. While there is a growing interest in …