[HTML][HTML] Representaciones sociales y comunicación: apuntes teóricos para un diálogo interdisciplinar inconcluso

R Rubira-García, B Puebla-Martínez - Convergencia, 2018 - scielo.org.mx
El texto realiza una aproximación crítica al concepto de representaciones sociales y su valor
epistemológico para la comprensión de los procesos de interacción, en específico los de …

Young Russian adults' attitudes towards the potential use of robots in hotels

S Ivanov, C Webster, A Garenko - Technology in society, 2018 - Elsevier
Robots are increasingly discussed in academic literature as well as the popular media since
they are becoming more usual in industry. The increased use of robots will meet with …

Robotics in tourism and hospitality

S Ivanov, C Webster, K Berezina - Handbook of e-Tourism, 2022 - Springer
This chapter provides a comprehensive review of robotics in tourism and hospitality,
including the technical foundations of robotics, synthesis of academic literature, and current …

Consumers' attitudes towards the introduction of robots in accommodation establishments

S Ivanov, C Webster, P Seyyedi - Tourism: An International …, 2018 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Robots are increasingly discussed in academic literature as well as public
discourse because of their introduction into consumers' lives. The increased usage of robots …

What do we expect from robots? Social representations, attitudes and evaluations of robots in daily life

S Brondi, M Pivetti, S Di Battista, M Sarrica - Technology in Society, 2021 - Elsevier
To foresee the potential acceptance, rejection and adaptation of robots in societies, it is
necessary to overcome deterministic and linear assumptions and explore the plurality of …

Indian customers' acceptance of service robots in restaurant services

S Pande, KP Gupta - Behaviour & Information Technology, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The present study attempts to develop and empirically test a theoretical model of service
robot use acceptance (SRUA) that intends to explain Indian customers' willingness to accept …

[HTML][HTML] The role of expected benefits towards smart hotels in sha** customer behavior: comparison by age and gender

JJ Kim, AA Montes, H Han - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
The present study attempted to provide foresight into the hotels of the future in response to
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, this research aimed to understand customers' …

The dialogic evolution of ai-based products: a polyphonic analysis of temporal transformations

GZ Karimova - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Drawing inspiration from Michail Bakhtin's philosophy, this study introduces the
Polyphonic Model, grounded in the Bakhtinian principles of dialogue and polyphony. These …

Social representations of sharks, perceived communality, and attitudinal and behavioral tendencies towards their conservation: An exploratory sequential mixed …

J Neves, JC Giger, N Piçarra, V Alves, J Almeida - Marine Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
Sharks are crucial to the marine ecosystem, but they are critically declining. Their bad public
image explains, to some extent, the lesser concern for their conservation compared to other …

When robot appearance and service style interact to influence customers' willingness to pay: The mediating role of perceived restaurant quality

SHW Chuah, JD Soeiro - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2025 - Elsevier
Incorporating robotics into the service industry fundamentally shifts how hospitality
businesses operate and interact with their customers. While there is a growing interest in …