Porous materials for carbon dioxide separations
Global investment in counteracting climate change has galvanized increasing interest in
carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as a versatile emissions mitigation technology. As …
carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as a versatile emissions mitigation technology. As …
Understanding the Effect of Water on CO2 Adsorption
Carbon capture from large sources and ambient air is one of the most promising strategies
to curb the deleterious effect of greenhouse gases. Among different technologies, CO2 …
to curb the deleterious effect of greenhouse gases. Among different technologies, CO2 …
Adsorption of carbon dioxide for post-combustion capture: a review
Aiming at meeting the global goals established for carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction, carbon
capture and storage (CCS) plays a key role. In this framework, the adsorption-based CO2 …
capture and storage (CCS) plays a key role. In this framework, the adsorption-based CO2 …
Water-enhanced direct air capture of carbon dioxide in metal–organic frameworks
We have developed two series of amine-functionalized zirconium (Zr) metal–organic
framework-808 (MOF-808), which were produced by postsynthetic modifications to have …
framework-808 (MOF-808), which were produced by postsynthetic modifications to have …
CO2 Post-combustion Capture: A Critical Review of Current Technologies and Future Directions
As the global imperative to CO2 emissions intensifies, carbon capture and storage (CCS)
technologies, particularly CO2 post-combustion capture, emerge as essential components in …
technologies, particularly CO2 post-combustion capture, emerge as essential components in …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of carbon capture science and technologies
CO 2 is one of the major anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere contributing to
global warming (Blamey et al., 2010; Mikkelsen et al., 2010). In the last half-century, the …
global warming (Blamey et al., 2010; Mikkelsen et al., 2010). In the last half-century, the …
[HTML][HTML] Recent progress in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for CO2 capture at different pressures
Global climate change ensued by the rise in atmospheric CO 2 levels is one of the greatest
challenges our planet is facing today. This worldwide distress demands technologies that …
challenges our planet is facing today. This worldwide distress demands technologies that …
Carbon capture from flue gas and the atmosphere: a perspective
Climate change has become a worldwide concern with the rapid rise of the atmospheric Co2
concentration. To mitigate Co2 emissions, the research and development efforts in Co2 …
concentration. To mitigate Co2 emissions, the research and development efforts in Co2 …
High-Capacity, Cooperative CO2 Capture in a Diamine-Appended Metal–Organic Framework through a Combined Chemisorptive and Physisorptive Mechanism
Diamine-appended Mg2 (dobpdc)(dobpdc4–= 4, 4′-dioxidobiphenyl-3, 3′-dicarboxylate)
metal–organic frameworks are promising candidates for carbon capture that exhibit …
metal–organic frameworks are promising candidates for carbon capture that exhibit …
Sorbents for the Direct Capture of CO2 from Ambient Air
The urgency to address global climate change induced by greenhouse gas emissions is
increasing. In particular, the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels is generating alarm …
increasing. In particular, the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels is generating alarm …