On the reconstruction of palaeo-ice sheets: Recent advances and future challenges

CR Stokes, L Tarasov, R Blomdin, TM Cronin… - Quaternary Science …, 2015 - Elsevier
Reconstructing the growth and decay of palaeo-ice sheets is critical to understanding
mechanisms of global climate change and associated sea-level fluctuations in the past …

Calcareous microfossil-based orbital cyclostratigraphy in the Arctic Ocean

RE Marzen, LH DeNinno, TM Cronin - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Microfaunal and geochemical proxies from marine sediment records from central Arctic
Ocean (CAO) submarine ridges suggest a close relationship over the last 550 thousand …

An Arctic and Subarctic ostracode database: biogeographic and paleoceanographic applications

L Gemery, TM Cronin, WM Briggs, EM Brouwers… - Hydrobiologia, 2017 - Springer
Abstract A new Arctic Ostracode Database-2015 (AOD-2015) provides census data for 96
species of benthic marine Ostracoda from 1340 modern surface sediments from the Arctic …

Deglacial sea level history of the East Siberian Sea and Chukchi Sea margins

TM Cronin, M O'Regan, C Pearce, L Gemery… - Climate of the …, 2017 - cp.copernicus.org
Deglacial (12.8–10.7 ka) sea level history on the East Siberian continental shelf and upper
continental slope was reconstructed using new geophysical records and sediment cores …

Late weichselian and Holocene palaeoceanography of storfjordrenna, southern svalbard

M Łącka, M Zajączkowski, M Forwick… - Climate of the …, 2015 - cp.copernicus.org
Multiproxy analyses (including benthic and planktonic foraminifera, δ 18 O and δ 13 C
records, grain-size distribution, ice-rafted debris, XRF geochemistry and magnetic …

Mechanisms of Late Pleistocene authigenic Fe–Mn-carbonate formation at the Laptev Sea continental slope (Siberian Arctic)

E Logvina, A Krylov, Е Taldenkova, V Blinova… - arktos, 2018 - Springer
Study of the microstructure and isotopic composition of authigenic tubule-shaped carbonate
concretions from sediment core PS51/154-11 on the western Laptev Sea continental slope …


ЯС Овсепян, ЕЕ Талденкова, ХА Баух… - Стратиграфия …, 2015 - elibrary.ru
Настоящая работа является частью мультидисциплинарных исследований колонки
PS51/154-11, отобранной в море Лаптевых, и посвящена изучению бентосных и …

Postglacial paleoceanography and paleoenvironments in the northwestern Barents Sea

E Ivanova, I Murdmaa, A de Vernal… - Quaternary …, 2019 - cambridge.org
The Barents Sea offers a suitable location for documenting advection of warm and saline
Atlantic Water (AW) into the Arctic and its impact on deglaciation and postglacial conditions …

Central Arctic Ocean paleoceanography from∼ 50 ka to present, on the basis of ostracode faunal assemblages from the SWERUS 2014 expedition

L Gemery, TM Cronin, RK Poirier, C Pearce… - Climate of the …, 2017 - cp.copernicus.org
Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes at the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic
Ocean, were reconstructed from a multicore and gravity core recovered during the 2014 …

An early to mid-Pleistocene deep Arctic Ocean ostracode fauna with North Atlantic affinities

LH DeNinno, TM Cronin, J Rodriguez-Lazaro… - Palaeogeography …, 2015 - Elsevier
An early to middle Pleistocene ostracode fauna was discovered in sediment core P1-93-AR-
23 (P23, 76.95° N, 155.07° W) from 951 meter water depth from the Northwind Ridge …