On the reconstruction of palaeo-ice sheets: Recent advances and future challenges
Reconstructing the growth and decay of palaeo-ice sheets is critical to understanding
mechanisms of global climate change and associated sea-level fluctuations in the past …
mechanisms of global climate change and associated sea-level fluctuations in the past …
Calcareous microfossil-based orbital cyclostratigraphy in the Arctic Ocean
RE Marzen, LH DeNinno, TM Cronin - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Microfaunal and geochemical proxies from marine sediment records from central Arctic
Ocean (CAO) submarine ridges suggest a close relationship over the last 550 thousand …
Ocean (CAO) submarine ridges suggest a close relationship over the last 550 thousand …
An Arctic and Subarctic ostracode database: biogeographic and paleoceanographic applications
L Gemery, TM Cronin, WM Briggs, EM Brouwers… - Hydrobiologia, 2017 - Springer
Abstract A new Arctic Ostracode Database-2015 (AOD-2015) provides census data for 96
species of benthic marine Ostracoda from 1340 modern surface sediments from the Arctic …
species of benthic marine Ostracoda from 1340 modern surface sediments from the Arctic …
Deglacial sea level history of the East Siberian Sea and Chukchi Sea margins
Deglacial (12.8–10.7 ka) sea level history on the East Siberian continental shelf and upper
continental slope was reconstructed using new geophysical records and sediment cores …
continental slope was reconstructed using new geophysical records and sediment cores …
Late weichselian and Holocene palaeoceanography of storfjordrenna, southern svalbard
Multiproxy analyses (including benthic and planktonic foraminifera, δ 18 O and δ 13 C
records, grain-size distribution, ice-rafted debris, XRF geochemistry and magnetic …
records, grain-size distribution, ice-rafted debris, XRF geochemistry and magnetic …
Mechanisms of Late Pleistocene authigenic Fe–Mn-carbonate formation at the Laptev Sea continental slope (Siberian Arctic)
Study of the microstructure and isotopic composition of authigenic tubule-shaped carbonate
concretions from sediment core PS51/154-11 on the western Laptev Sea continental slope …
concretions from sediment core PS51/154-11 on the western Laptev Sea continental slope …
ЯС Овсепян, ЕЕ Талденкова, ХА Баух… - Стратиграфия …, 2015 - elibrary.ru
Настоящая работа является частью мультидисциплинарных исследований колонки
PS51/154-11, отобранной в море Лаптевых, и посвящена изучению бентосных и …
PS51/154-11, отобранной в море Лаптевых, и посвящена изучению бентосных и …
Postglacial paleoceanography and paleoenvironments in the northwestern Barents Sea
E Ivanova, I Murdmaa, A de Vernal… - Quaternary …, 2019 - cambridge.org
The Barents Sea offers a suitable location for documenting advection of warm and saline
Atlantic Water (AW) into the Arctic and its impact on deglaciation and postglacial conditions …
Atlantic Water (AW) into the Arctic and its impact on deglaciation and postglacial conditions …
Central Arctic Ocean paleoceanography from∼ 50 ka to present, on the basis of ostracode faunal assemblages from the SWERUS 2014 expedition
Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes at the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic
Ocean, were reconstructed from a multicore and gravity core recovered during the 2014 …
Ocean, were reconstructed from a multicore and gravity core recovered during the 2014 …
An early to mid-Pleistocene deep Arctic Ocean ostracode fauna with North Atlantic affinities
LH DeNinno, TM Cronin, J Rodriguez-Lazaro… - Palaeogeography …, 2015 - Elsevier
An early to middle Pleistocene ostracode fauna was discovered in sediment core P1-93-AR-
23 (P23, 76.95° N, 155.07° W) from 951 meter water depth from the Northwind Ridge …
23 (P23, 76.95° N, 155.07° W) from 951 meter water depth from the Northwind Ridge …