Molecular gas at high redshift

PM Solomon, PA Vanden Bout - Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 2005‏ -
▪ Abstract The Early Universe Molecular Emission Line Galaxies (EMGs) are a population of
galaxies with only 36 examples that hold great promise for the study of galaxy formation and …

Star formation and nuclear activity in luminous infrared galaxies: an infrared through radio review

M Pérez-Torres, S Mattila, A Alonso-Herrero… - The Astronomy and …, 2021‏ - Springer
Nearby galaxies offer unique laboratories allowing multi-wavelength spatially resolved
studies of the interstellar medium, star formation and nuclear activity across a broad range of …

High-redshift star formation in the Hubble Deep Field revealed by a submillimetre-wavelength survey

DH Hughes, S Serjeant, J Dunlop, M Rowan-Robinson… - Nature, 1998‏ -
In the local Universe, most galaxies are dominated by stars, with less than ten per cent of
their visible mass in the form of gas. Determining when most of these stars formed is one of …

SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

WS Holland, EI Robson, WK Gear… - Monthly Notices of …, 1999‏ -
Abstract SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, built by the Royal
Observatory Edinburgh for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, is the most versatile and …

The Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of NormalStar-forming Galaxies

DA Dale, G Helou, A Contursi… - The Astrophysical …, 2001‏ -
We present a new phenomenological model for the spectral energy distribution of normal
star-forming galaxies between 3 and 1100 μ m. A sequence of realistic galaxy spectra are …

Thick tori around active galactic nuclei: a comparison of model predictions with observations of the infrared continuum and silicate features

GL Granato, L Danese - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 1994‏ -
The continuum expected from active galactic nuclei (AGN) surrounded by thick tori is
compared to the data available for a sample of optically selected Seyfert 1 galaxies. The …

Dusty discs in active galactic nuclei

A Efstathiou, M Rowan-Robinson - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 1995‏ -
We use a modified version of the code of Efstathiou & Rowan-Robinson, which solves
accurately the axially symmetric radiative-transfer problem in dust clouds, to model the …

A hyperluminous galaxy at z = 2.8 found in a deep submillimetre survey

RJ Ivison, I Smail, JF Le Borgne… - Monthly Notices of …, 1998‏ -
We present a detailed study of SMM 02399-0136, a hyperluminous, active galaxy selected
from a submm survey of the distant Universe. This galaxy is the brightest source in the fields …

The radio-to-submillimeter spectral index as a redshift indicator

CL Carilli, MS Yun - The Astrophysical Journal, 1999‏ -
We present models of the 1.4 to 350 GHz spectral index α $\mathstrut {^{350} _ {1.4}} $ for
starburst galaxies as a function of redshift. The models include a semianalytic formulation …

Self-consistent two-phase AGN torus models-SED library for observers

R Siebenmorgen, F Heymann, A Efstathiou - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015‏ -
We assume that dust near active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is distributed in a torus-like
geometry, which can be described as a clumpy medium or a homogeneous disk, or as a …