Experiences of bullying and victimization and adolescents' life satisfaction: A meta-analysis
X Chen, L Wang, Y Wang - Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2024 - Elsevier
This meta-analysis sought to elucidate the association between experiences of bullying and
victimization and life satisfaction among adolescents, an important topic with mixed findings …
victimization and life satisfaction among adolescents, an important topic with mixed findings …
Self-construals and the Dark Triad traits in six countries
Abstract In a sample (N= 1969) drawn from six countries, we examined the relationships
between individual differences in independent and interdependent self-construals and the …
between individual differences in independent and interdependent self-construals and the …
Differences and similarities in youth social-emotional competence measurement between North American and East Asian countries: Exploratory graph analysis using …
Social-emotional competence (SEC) is a multidimensional construct involving diverse skills
and mindsets contributing to intrapersonal and interpersonal well-being. Despite increasing …
and mindsets contributing to intrapersonal and interpersonal well-being. Despite increasing …
The effect of color and self-view priming in persuasive communications
We examine how the associative properties of the color red relate to an independent self-
view, and their impact on advertising message processing and persuasion. In study 1, using …
view, and their impact on advertising message processing and persuasion. In study 1, using …
Energetic music is used for anger downregulation: A cross‐cultural differentiation of intensity from rhythmic arousal
Music is often used to “soothe the soul,” and one important function of music listening has
been emotion regulation. In comparing consumption trends across cultures, past research …
been emotion regulation. In comparing consumption trends across cultures, past research …
The role of time perspective and mindfulness on life satisfaction in the United States of America, Spain, Poland and Japan: A cross-cultural study
We assessed the cross-cultural role of Time Perspective (TP) tendencies [Past Positive (PP),
Past Negative (PN), Present Hedonistic (PH), Present Fatalistic (PF), and Future (F)], the …
Past Negative (PN), Present Hedonistic (PH), Present Fatalistic (PF), and Future (F)], the …
The role of anger regulation on perceived stress status and physical health
The purpose of this exploratory study was to cross-culturally examine associations among
three different anger regulation strategies, namely, anger-in (AI), anger out (AO), and anger …
three different anger regulation strategies, namely, anger-in (AI), anger out (AO), and anger …
Instrumental motives in emotion regulation of one's own and others' anger: Testing cross-cultural similarities and differences between European Americans and …
Y Nozaki, R Kobayashi - Journal of Cross-Cultural …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Instrumental motives, such as increasing negative emotions to facilitate performance, are
one of the primary motives in regulating one's own emotions (ie, intrinsic emotion regulation) …
one of the primary motives in regulating one's own emotions (ie, intrinsic emotion regulation) …
Üniversite öğrencilerinde aile iklimi ve iyi oluş arasındaki ilişkide benlik kurgularının aracı rolünün incelenmesi
T Turgut - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinde aile iklimi ve iyi oluş arasındaki ilişkide
benlik kurgularının aracı rolünün Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli çerçevesinde incelenmesidir. Aile …
benlik kurgularının aracı rolünün Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli çerçevesinde incelenmesidir. Aile …