Toward a neural basis of music perception–a review and updated model
S Koelsch - Frontier in Psychology, 2011 - frontiersin.org
Music perception involves acoustic analysis, auditory memory, auditory scene analysis,
processing of interval relations, of musical syntax and semantics, and activation of (pre) …
processing of interval relations, of musical syntax and semantics, and activation of (pre) …
Towards a neural basis of music perception
S Koelsch, WA Siebel - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2005 - cell.com
Music perception involves complex brain functions underlying acoustic analysis, auditory
memory, auditory scene analysis, and processing of musical syntax and semantics …
memory, auditory scene analysis, and processing of musical syntax and semantics …
ERP based measures of cognitive workload: A review
This review appraises electroencephalograph (EEG) approaches to cognitive workload
evaluation, focussing on the measurement of event-related potentials (ERPs) in single task …
evaluation, focussing on the measurement of event-related potentials (ERPs) in single task …
[BOK][B] Encyclopedia of computational neuroscience
Introduction Studies of categorical decision-making attempt to understand behavior by
probing how different features of complex and changing environments guide the selection of …
probing how different features of complex and changing environments guide the selection of …
Applications of EEG indices for the quantification of human cognitive performance: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis
Background Neuroergonomics combines neuroscience with ergonomics to study human
performance using recorded brain signals. Such neural signatures of performance can be …
performance using recorded brain signals. Such neural signatures of performance can be …
The mismatch negativity in cognitive and clinical neuroscience: theoretical and methodological considerations
Mismatch negativity (MMN) component of the event-related brain potentials has become
popular in cognitive and clinical brain research during the recent years. It is an early …
popular in cognitive and clinical brain research during the recent years. It is an early …
Physical abuse amplifies attention to threat and increases anxiety in children.
Two experiments using event-related potentials (ERPs) examined the extent to which early
traumatic experiences affect children's ability to regulate voluntary and involuntary attention …
traumatic experiences affect children's ability to regulate voluntary and involuntary attention …
Auditory distraction: A duplex‐mechanism account
RW Hughes - PsyCh Journal, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A body of laboratory work is reviewed suggesting that auditory distraction comes in two
functionally distinct forms. Interference‐by‐process is produced when the involuntary …
functionally distinct forms. Interference‐by‐process is produced when the involuntary …
Working memory, fluid intelligence, and attention are predictors of multitasking performance, but polychronicity and extraversion are not
This study explored predictors of multitasking performance. Based on cognitive psychology
research, attention and working memory were assumed to be predictors. Fluid intelligence …
research, attention and working memory were assumed to be predictors. Fluid intelligence …
[PDF][PDF] The relationship between attention and working memory
D Fougnie - New research on short-term memory, 2008 - psy.vanderbilt.edu
The ability to selectively process information (attention) and to retain information in an
accessible state (working memory) are critical aspects of our cognitive capacities. While …
accessible state (working memory) are critical aspects of our cognitive capacities. While …